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CONTENTS An Annotated List of the Birds of the Bart Lake District, Adams County, Colorado (with six photos) ........................ .?. Hersey and 37o6t. B. t?ockwell 109 Nesting of Diomedes niKrit?es and D. immutabilis on Midway Islands ........................................... Dr. T. IV. Richards, U.S. a%?z?v 122 The Only Knoxvn Breeding Ground of Creciscus coturniculus (with two photos) ..................................................... .d. l?[. ln.?ersoll I23 Nest of the California Bi-colored Blackbird (with one photo) .... Joseph a}laill-iard 127 The Little Brown Crane in California ................................ J. Grinnell 128 Nesting of the Arizona Junco (with one photo) .............. Frank C. IVillard.. 129 Nesting Habits of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow (with two . photos) ................................................. Harriet IVilliams 17lyers 131 Notes on the Birds of Los Coronados Islands, Lower California (with one photo) ..., ................................................. Pin?ree 1. Osburn 134 ?ROM FIELD AND STUDY The Northern Spotted Owl in California ......................... J. Grinnell 138 Sumichrast Blackbird in Tamanlipas, Mexico ........... .dustin Paul Smith 138 Note on the Nesting of the Cliff Swallow ................ 29. l. Shepardson 138 Some Unusual Records from Portland, Oregon ............. Stanley G. Jewell 138 Two Waders of Note from Santa Catalina Island .................. J. Grinnell 139 A Correction .......................................... .dustin Paul Smith 139 Further Notes on the American Crossbill in California .......... J. Grinnell 139 A Correction .......................................... Junius Henderson 139 Queries ..................................... J. Grinnell 139 EDITORIAL ?'OTES ?ND NEWS ........................................ 140 CORRESPO?DEXCE--?IilIon S. Ray, C't?as..d i/oKelsang, John E. Thayer, ..................................................... IV. t?. Brown, Jr. 141 PUBLICAT?IONS REVIEWED .................................................... 143 MINU?E$ OF CooPER CLUB I?]?]?Ii?-GS ......................... 144 ]?ntered as second-class matter February, ?9o8. at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station}, California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from The Office of The Condor. First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. Price List of Cooper Club Publications Some of these are very Scarce THE CONDOIK Vol. I--?899?Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club. No complete Vols. on hand Vol. II--I9oo Complete 113 oo VoL VII--]9o 5 Complete ?t 5 Vol. III?I9oI " 3 oo Vol. VIII--x9o6 " ? 5o Vol. IV--I9O? " ? oo Vol. IX?I9O7 " ! 5 Vol. V--I9o3 " ] 5o Vol. X--I908 " ? 5o Vol. VI--I9O4 " - x 50 Vol. XI--I9O 9 Subscription ? So Separates:--' 'List of Land Birds of Placerville, Cal." (Central Sierra Nevada Mountains) By Cltl?SXR 35 PP-, IX half tones 50 cts. PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. L 1900?Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska. 88 pp. and map, 75 cts. By J. GRII?NEL? No. II, 1901--Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, Cal.; By R. c. McGa?oa 22 pp., 25 Cts. NO. III, 1902--Check List of California Birds; By J. G?X?rL IOO pp. and 2 maps, 75 cts. No. IV, 1904--Birds of the Huachuca Mrs., Arizona; By Hn?av S. Swnax? 75 PP', So cts. NO. V, 1909--A Bibliography of California Ornithology; By j. Gnn?LL 166 pp., $I 50 NO. VI, 1909--Ten-Year Index to THE CONDOR, By H- B. K?'?C 48 pp.. 1 00 Address: J. ]?UGI$1g]$ LAW, Business l?anager Hollywood, ?alifornia. or, W. 1,1515 CttAl?BISRS, Business l?anager Santa 38onion, California. When replying to advertisements please mention THE COI?rDOR