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July, 1909 ANNOTATED LIST OF THE BIRDS OF TItE BARR LAKE DISTRICT 115 Recurvirostra americana. American Avocet. Summer resident, not uncom- mon. During the springs of 1907 and 1908 about fifteen pairs of birds nested at Barr. In.1908 eleven nests were found on a little island less than two acres in area. Himantopus mexicanus. Black-necked Stilt. Very rare. The only one seen by Hersey during fifteen years' observation was recorded June 1, 1907. Gallinago delicata. Wilson Snipe. Resident. A few nest at Barr, and a good many more remain thruout the winter. Macrorhamphus sc01opaceus. Long-billed Doxvitcher. Very common during Stilt Sandpiper. Very common during migration. 1906, mentioned before, killed a hundred or more migration. Micropalama himantopus. The hailstorm of August 4, of them. q ?.. /6 4 NEST AND EGGS OF AMERICAN AVOCET Pisobia maculata. Pectoral Sandpiper. Common during migration. Pisobia fuscicollis. White-rumped Sandpiper. Migrant, not common. Pisobia bairdii. Baird Sandpiper. The most abundant sandpiper at Barr during migration. Pisobia minutilla. Least Sandpiper. Almost as abundant during migration as P. bairdii. Both bairdii and minulilla have been observed frequently thruout May, and mi?tulilla has been observed twice during June, hence it is not unreason- able to expect that one or both may yet be found breeding there. Ereunetes pudllus. Semipalmated sandpiper. Migratory, rare. Ereunetes mauri. Western Sandpiper. Migratory, not common. Calidris leuc0phaea. Sanderling. Not uncommon during fall migration.