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238 THE CONDOR Vol. XIV Daggett,' F. S., review of Willett's "birds of the Pacific slope of southern California," 231 Dawson, W. L., 'recent Santa Barbara records, 223; "popular" ornithology, 225 Dendragapus obscurus obscurus, 91 obscurus richardsoni, 24, 192 Dendrocygna bicolor, 199 Dendroica aestiva aestiva, 30, 102 .aestiva brewsteri, 39, 145 aestiva rubiginosa, 21 aestiva sonorana, 53 auduboni auduboni, 13, 30, 39, 146 striata. 152 townsendi, 21, 152, 195 virens, 148, 149 Dipper, 31 Directory of Cooper Club members, 202 Dixon, J., white-winged dove in the San Diegan district, 196 Dixon, J. B., the Costa hummingbird, 75 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 41 Dove, Mexican Ground, 53, 58, 59, 62 Mourning, 14, 25, 35, 53, 58, 59, 73, 92, 107, .112, 153, 229, 230 White-winged, 53, 58, 59, 196 Dowitcher, Long-billed, 8, 35 Drummond, J., (communication) introduced birds of New Zealand, 227 Dryobates arizonae, 55 pubescens homoms, 26 pubescens medianus, 192 villosus harrisi, 21 ?. villosus hyloscopus, 143 , villosus monticola, 26, 93, 192 villosus villosus, 153 Duck, Lesser Scaup, 34 Mandarin, 209 Ring-necked, 34, 41 Ruddy, 23, 89, 199 Wood, 225, 229 Dumetella carolinensis, 31, 103 E Eagle, Golden, 25 Editorial Notes and News, 43, 78, 109, 155, Edquist, A. G., review of his "useful birds of South Australia," 46 Edson, J. M., white pelican at Bellingham Bay, Washington, 225 Egret, 35, 74, 199 Snowy, 199, 224 Egretta candidissima candidissima, 152, 199, 223 Empidonax difficilis, 21 griseus, 148 hammondi, 21, 27 trailli alnorum, 148, 156 trailli trailli, 21, 37,. 61, 96 wrighti, 27 Ereunetes mauri, 9, 21, 224 Erismatura jamaicensis, 23, 89, 199 Euphagus cyanocephalus, 27, 37, 98, 143, 145 F Falco mexicanus, 25, 36, 41, 93, 154 peregrinus anatum, 25, 189 sparverius phalaena, 25, 36, 53, 93 Falcon, Prairie, 25, 36, 41, 93, 154 Finch, Cassin Purple, 28, 37, 98, 146, 159, 216 Black Rosy, 28 Brown-capped Rosy, 98 Gray-crowned Rosy, 28,' 157 Hepburn Rosy, 28 House, 14, 38, 56, 98, 146 San Clemente House, 190 Flicker, Gilded, 57, 59, 60 Northern, 26 Red-shafted, 26, 36, 94, 114, 144, 147, 196 Florida caerulea, 151 Flycatcher, Arizona Crested, 59 Ash-throated, 37, 53, 57, 58, 60 Hammond, 27, 107 Olive-sided, 27 Traill, 37, 61, 96 Vermilion, 53, 58, 62 .Western, 115 Wright, 27, 115 Fregata aquila, 223 Fulica americana, 24, 35, 89, 120, 199 Fulmar, Pacific, 41 Fulmarus glacialis glupisc. ha, 41 cI Gadwall, 89 Gallinago delicata, 7, 24, 35, 90, 125, 192 Gallinule, Florida, 199 Gallinula galeata, 199 Gallus bankira, 209 Gardner, L., review of his "partial account of the birds in the vicinity of Laguna Beach," 231 Gayla immer, 21, 33 Geococcyx californian?us, 36, 56 Geothlypis trichas occidentalis, 30, 39, 62, 150 trichas trichas, 148, 150 Geranoaetus fragilis, 44 grinnelli, 44 Getty, J. V., the Anthony vireo (Vireo huttoni obscurus), 74 Glaucidium gnoma gnoma, 26 Gnatcatcher, Plumbeous, 40, 55, 56 Western, 40

Godwit, Marbled, 9, 128 

Golden-eye, American, 23, 34, 154 Barrow, 41 Goldfinch, 98 Green-backed, 106, 107 Lawrence, 106