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CONTNT$ ? Nest of the Dusky Horned Lark (with one illustration) ........................................ ................................................................................ Cl?r? ?ilt? ? 1? An Introduction to the Study of the Eg? of the North Ameri?n Limicol? (?th six photos) ................................................................ ?. ?. ?h?eldt 138 With ?e Band-?led Pigeon in ?n Diego Connty ..................... Laurence ?. Huey 151 The All-Day Test at San? ?r?ra ................................................. ? Leon Dawson 153 FROM FIELD ?ND STUDV: The S?tus of ?e ?mbel Quail in Colorado ..J.D. Fiffffins 158 Pela?c Wanderers ............................................................... G. Willegl 158 Scott Oriole (Icarus parisorum) at San? Barbara .................. ? Leon Dawson 158 EDITORIAL NOTES ?D NEWS ........................ 159 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ......................... 159 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ..................................................................... 160 Directory of Members of the C?per Omi?ologi?l Club ................................. 160 l?ntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the l?ost office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March $, 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor, l?irst l?ational Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. BIRD FOLKS Will find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Tramping under our big roof. CLOTHING FOOTWEAR EQUIPMENT Small calibre guns and ammunitiou, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The/I,m. It. n0eee Co., Inc. Greatest Sporting Goods House on the Pacific Coast Phones Heine 10087; Main 8447 x38-x42 South l?Ialn St., Los Angeles The first volume of BIRD -LORE Contained 206 pages and no colored plates. The Latest Volume Contained 469 pages and 14 colored plates. The magazine has grown but the PIPICE IPEMAINS THE SAME $1.00 a year; single numbers 20c D. APPLETON & CO. Crescent and Mulberry Sts, Har- risburg, Pa., or New York City. Whe? r?l?l?'tng to adv?-tii?me?ls vle?qe mentio? THI? CONDOR