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May, 1914 MINUTES O1' COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 153 the Pacific Association of Scientific Socie- ties, urging the participation of the Cooper Club in the annual meeting of the Associa- tion in Seattle in May, 1914. It was not deemed practicable by the members pres- ent, however, and no steps were taken to- wards the holding of such a meeting. The annual report of the business mana- gers was then presented by Mr. Chambers, and points not clear to his hearers were explained at length by him. The summary shows a most satisfactory condition of the Club's finances, amply justifying the poli- cies of the two business managers, and re- flecting great credit upon their foresight and ability. The business of the evening concluded, the members adjourned to the exhibition hall in the south wing of the building, where, upon an extemporised screen, Mr. W. Leon Dawson displayed a most remarkable series of slides of California birds. His talk was upon "The Sea- and Shore-Birds of Southern California", but the pictures of ducks, gulls, ?nd other swimmers were but a prelude to the splendid representation of the waders. All but one of the California species were included in this collection of photographs, a large proportion in many different pictures, and the exhibition was a picasure that was most highly appreciated by a1'l present. The enjoyment of the even- ing was enhanced perhaps by the informal nature of the occasion, and by the free dis- cussion following the exhibition of certain of the pictures. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. MARCH.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Mu- seum of History, Science, and Art, Thurs- day evening, March 26. President Law was in the chair, and the following members in attendance: Mrs. E. H. Husher, and Messrs. Appleton, Blain, Chambers, Dag- gett, Eggleston, Grey, Howell, Law, Little, Joseph Mailliard, Miller, Morcom, Rich, Rob- ertson, Snyder, Swarth, Wood, and Wyman. Messrs. W. T. Doherty and F. R. Miner were visitors. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved, followed by the Northern Division minutes for March. ? Mr. George W. Lane, Whose name was presented last month by Mr. Grinnell, was elected to membership. New names were proposed as follows: C. A. Brant, E1 Tovar, Grand Can- yon, Arizona, presented by Mrs. E. H. Husher; William T. Martin, Oakland, by Dr. W. F. Bade; and Halstead G. White, Clare- mont, by Wright M. Pierce. Mr. Mailliard, as a visitor from the North- ern Division, was called upon for some re- marks, and responded at some length, among other things contrasting the mem- bership of, and the conditions surrounding, the two divisions of the Cl'ub. A little later, complying with the requests of several of the members, he detailed some of the meth- ods of installation, cataloging, etc., used in the Mailliard collection of birds, nests, and eggs. Mr. Law spoke briefly on the results of his recent collecting trip in New Mexico, during the first three weeks in March. Ad- journed.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. lqORTHERlq DIVISIOlq F?BRt?ARY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was held in Room 101, East Hall, Berkeley, California, Thursday, Febru- ary 19, 1914, at 8 r. ?t. President Bryant was in the chair with the following mem- bers present: Mesdames Allen, Burnham and Grinnell, Misses Atsatt, Swezy and Wythe, Dr. Burnham, Messrs. Bade, Camp, Carriger, Cohen, Cooper, Grinnell, Rankin, A. G. Smith, Storer, and W. P. Taylor. The meeting was open to the public and about one hundred visitors were present. The program of the evening was first pre- sented. Dr. William Frederic Bade, editor of the Sierra Club Bulletin, spoke on "Birds of the High Sierras". On various trips with the Sierra Club, Dr. Bade has secured good photographs of mountain birds and many of these were shown by lantern slides. The Sierra Junco, Mountain Chickadee, Ameri- can Dipper, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Sierra Hermit Thrush, and Mountain Bluebird were especially well represented. After the departure of the visitors at the close of the lecture the business was con- sidered. The minutes of the January meet- ing were read and approved followed by the reading of the Southern Division minutes for January. Mr. Findlay Simmons was elected to membership. The application of William T. Martin, Plymouth Center, Oak- l?nd, California, proposed by Dr. W. F. Bade, and the names proposed at the South- ern Division meeting for January were read. The resignations of E. Boyer, F. O. Pilsbury and A. G. Ulrich, were accepted, following the action of the Southern Division. Mr. Grinnell read and commented upon the report of the Business Managers for 1913. The report shows a substantial in- crease in the business of the Club during the past year, and a general state of affairs most gratifying to all interested in the Club's welfare.