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Sept.,1914 STATUS OF CEKTAIN ISLAND FOKMS OF S.4LPINCTES 217 southern Mexican and Central American forms of this genus are so imper- fectly known and understood, however, that any general treatment of the genus must be at this time regarded as tentative, and for the present it seems best to consider obsoletus and guadeloupensis as specifically distinct. ?ecimens examineS.--?al?inctes o. obso?etus: Nevada, 22; Arizona, 18; Oregon, 1. Mainland of California: Modoc County, 17; Amador County, 1; E1 Dorado County, 1; Alameda County, 2; Tehama County, 2; Kern County, 9; Tulare County, 2; Fresno County, 1; Ventura County, 2; Los Angeles County, 46; San Bernardino County, 30; Riverside County, 13; San Diego County, 1; Colorado River between Needles and Yuma, 9. Island localities: San Clemente Island, 4; Santa Catalina Island, 2; Santa Barbara Island, 8; Santa Cruz Island, 6; San Miguel Island, 2; Coronado Islands, Lower Califor- nia, 5; San Benito Island, Lower California, 1; Cerros Island, Lower California, 1; Ilde- fonso Island, Lower California (east coast), 6. Sa?l?inctes o. l?u]verius: San Nicolas Island, California, 34 (12 adults, 22 juveniles). ?a?inctes g. guaSe?ou?ensis: Guadalupe Island, Lower California, 6 (5 adults, 1 juvenile). Sa?inctes g. ?roximus: San Martin Island, Lower California, 1 adult. Total number of specimens, 253. LITERATURE CITED American Ornithologists' Union Committee, J. A. Allen, Chairman and Editor. 1910. Check-List of North American birds. Ed. 3, revised (New York, American Ornithol'ogists' Union), 430 pp., 2 maps. Grinnell, J. 1898. The San Nicolas rock wren. Auk, xv, no. 3, pp. 237-239. 1902. Check-list of California birds. Pacific Coast Avifauna, no. 3, pp. 1-92, 2 maps. Ridgway, R. 1904. The birds of North and Middle America. U.S. Nation. Mus., Bull. 50, part 3, pp. xx?801, 19 pls. Willett, G. 1912. Birds of the Pacific slope of southern California. Pacific Coast Avifauna, no. 7, pp. 1-122. Los Angeles, California, July ?8, A SURVEY OF THE BREEDING GROUNDS OF DUCKS ? IN CALIFORNIA IN 1914 By HAROLD C. BRYANT WITH NINE PHOTOGRAPHS BY THE AUTHOR (Contribution from the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology*) CONTENTS Introduction ...................................................................... 218 Los Barios, Merced County, California .............................................. 219 Gridley, Butte County, California .................................................. 227 Link River, Klamath County, Oregon ............................................... 228 Tule Lake, Oregon and California ................................................. 229 Lower Klamath Lake, Oregon and California ....................................... 230 Numbers of ducks now and formerly ............................................. 233 Market hunting ................................................................. 233 Local distribution of ducks in California .......................................... 234 Our native breeding stock of ducks as compared with the winter supply of migra- tory ducks .................................................................. 235 Success and fail'ure among nesting ducks ......................................... 235

  • The field work herein reported upon was made possible through kindly interest

on the part of Associate Justice F. W. Henshaw, of San Francisco. and Fish and Game

Commissioner M. J. Cormell, of Los Angeles. These gentlemen and certain of their 

friends Joined in furnishing the funds needed to defray the contingent expenses.?. G.