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118 THE CONDOR Vol. XIX tion of the canyon below the Lower Falls there are twenty-five pairs of ospreys, thirty nests are along the west shore of Yellowstone Lake, one in Pelican Val- ley, one at ?Sud Volcano near Hayden Valley, two on the upper Lamar River, .?:?,?z?.. W?-'? ?'" ? ?:? ?',3;? ? ,' ?;*?. '? ?'?'?':t,[ '?ZS'? ? J. ? ? '2 ? ' ...... ; . ? Fig. 43. OSPREY AND ITS NEST, ON "EAGLE NEST ROCK", IN THE G?DINER RIV- ER CANYON, YELLOWSTONE PARK. C?yHghted photo by Haynes, St. Paul. one in Gardiner Canyon, and one in the Upper Geyser Basin. I believe there is double t?s n?ber of occupied nests in the whole Park, or a total of one hun-