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Nov., 1917 INDEX TO VOLUME XIX 193 Pacific Black-headetL 61 Rocky Mountain Evening, 21 Rocky Mountain Pine, 39 Rose-breasted, 171 Western Blue, 73, 164 Western Evening, 137 Grouse, Canada Ruffed, 32, 33 Columbian Sharp-tailed, 32, 135 Oregon Ruffed, 12, 168 Richardson, 32 Sage, 32, 38 Sooty, 9, 11, 135 Guillemot, Pigeon, 58, 62, 71 Guiraca caerulea lazula, 164 Gull, California, 133, 177 Ring-billed, 177 Sabine, 16 Western, 9, 58, 71, 133 I-Iaematopus bachmani, 71 Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 135 Hanford, Forrest S., the Townsend soli- taire, 13 Hanna, Wilson C., further notes on the white-throated swifts of Slover moun- 'rain, 3 Hansen, Harold E., the Florida gallinule in San Francisco county, California, 22 Hansen, Harold E., and Squires, Walter E., a list of the birds breeding In San Francisco county, California, 54 Hawk, American Sparrow, 59 Cooper, 33, 135, 148 Desert Sparrow, 34, 133, 135 Duck, 22 Harris, 142 Marsh, 32, 103, 186 Red-bellied, 129 Red-tailed, 148 Rough-legged, 135 Sharp-shinned, 16, 32, 135, 148 Sparrow, 98 Swainson, 34, 135 Western red-tail, 59, 132 Zone-tailed, 103 Hedymeles ludovicianus, 171 Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus, 162 Hen, Sage, 187 Henderson, Junius, the Bohemian waxwing in Colorado, 141 Henshaw, F. W., game bird conditions in Sutter county, California, 24 Heron, Anthony Green, 57, 156 Black-crowned Night, 57, 135, 142, 156, 159, 176 Great Blue, 10, 32, 57, 134, 157 I-Iesperiphona vespertina, 17 vespertina brooksi, 19, 20 vespertina callfornica, 19, 20 vespertina mexicana, 22 vespertina montana, 18, 20, 22, 137 vespertina vespertina, 19, 20 vespertina warrenl, 21 Heteractitis incanus, 16, 71 Hirundo erythrogaster, 41, 61, 139 Holland, Harold M., the valley quail occu- pying nests of the roadrunner, 23 Howell, A. B., review of his "birds of the islands off the coast of southern Cal- ifornia", 172; condition of game birds in east-central California, 186 Hummingbird, Allen, 73 Anna, 60, 160 Broad-tailed, 36 Calliope, 136, 142, 169 Rufous, 9, 47, 52, 96, 98, 136, 163 Hydrochelidon nigra surnamensis, 133 Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola, 43 guttara auduboni, 43, 165 guttara guttara, 140 guttara slevini, 186 ustulata ustulata, 61, 142 I Ibis, Scarlet, 46 White-faced Glossy, 156, 157 Icteria virens longicauda, 41, 139, 164 Icterus bullocki, 39, 137 Ixobrychus exilis, 186 Ixoreus naevius meruloides, 130 naevius naevius, 140 J Jaeger, Parasitic, 81 Pomarine, 81 Jay, Black-headed, 33, 37, 137 Blue-eared, 94 Blue-fronted, 169 California, 25, 60, 104 Coast, 52, 137 Crested, 9 Long-crested, 163 Pinyon, 137, 150, 152 Texas, 163 Woodhouse, 163 Junco, Intermediate, 39 Pink-sided, 39 Point Pinos, 60 Shufeldt, 133, 138 Sierra, 60, 185 Slate-colored, 138 Thurber, 169 Junco hyemalis connectens, 39 hyemalis byemalls, 138 hyemalis mearnsi, 39 hyemalis shufeldti, 138 hyemalis thurberi, 169 oreganus pinosus, 60 oreganus thurberi, 60, 185