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196 THE CONDOR Vol. XIX Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 58 Puffin, Tufted, 58, 71 Puffinus opisthomelas, 173 Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus, 25, 102 Quail, California, 135 California Valley, 23, 59, 159, 187 Mearns, 162 Mountain, 134 Plumed, 169, 187 Querquedula cyanoptera, 134 discors, 32 Rail, Sofa, ?32, 134, 168 Virginia, 59 Rallus virginianus, 59 Raven, 132, 137 Northern, 17 Western, 57, 155, 158 White-necked, 163 Ray, M. S., some further notes on San Francisco county birds, 170 Recurvirostra americana, 32, 101, 134 Redhead, 134 Redpoll, 129 Red-tall, Alaska, 16 Western, 34, 162 Red-wing, San Diego, 133, 137 Thick-billed, 39 Tri-colored, 176 Regulus calendula calendula, 42, 140 satrapa olivaceus, 42 Richards, W. W., wild ducks in a city park, 85 Riparia riparia, 41, 61, 139 Roadrunner, 23, 143, 155, 160, 162 Robin, Eastern, 62 Western, 43, 46, 61, 97, 99, 140, 176, 185, 186 Roc, 171 Rust, H. J., an annotated list of the birds of Fremont county, Idaho, as observed during the summer of 1916, 29 Sage-hen, 133, 135 Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus, 41, 61, 140 Sandpiper, Aleutian, 16 Baird, 25, 77, 141 Bartramian, 162 Buff-breasted, 187 Pectoral, 79 Red-backed, 134 Semipalmated, 79 Spotted, 16, 32, 134 Western, 32 Western Solitary, 162 Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 104 Williamson, 62, 136 Sayornis nigricans, 60, 169 sayus, 136

Schaefer, O. F., occurrence of the red- 

breasted nuthatch in Arizona, 103 Schussler, G. V?., the surf bird at San Fran- cisco, 101; nesting of the California brown towhee in San Francisco, 170 Scorer, Surf, 16 White-winged, 16 Scudder, B. A., review of his "conservation of our wild birds", 74 Selasphorus allertl, 60 platycercus, 36 rufus, 136, 163, 168 Sell, R. A., some notes on the effect on bird life of the Corpus Christi storm of August 18, 1916, 43 Shearwater, Dark-bodied, 57 Shelton, A. C., review of hls "a distribu- tional list of the birds of west central Oregon", 174 Shepardson, D. L, notes from the southern Sierras, 168 Shrike, California, 25, 61, 143 White-rumped, 41, 133, 139 Sialia currucoides, 43, 140 mexicana anabelae, 169 mexicana occidentalis, 140 Siskin, Pine, 39, 49, 60, 61, 130, 138 Sitta canadensis, 103, 140 carolinensis aculeata, 140 carolinensis nelsoni, 140, 164 pygmaea, 140 Skinner, M.P., the ospreys of the Yellow- stone, 117; the birds of Molly Island, Yellowstone National Park, 177 Smith, A. P., some birds of the Davis moun- tains, Texas, 161 Smith, F. J., the snowy owl in Humboldt county, California, 24 Snipe, Wilson, 32, 134 Solitaire, Townsend, 13, 14 Sparrow, Aleutian Savannah, 16 Bell, 143, 156, 186 Brewer, 37, 39, 133, 138, 139 Bryant Marsh, 60, 69 Clay-colored, 163 English, 39, 60, 62, 69, 145 Fox, 138 Gambel, 138 Golden-crowned, 16, 130 , 138 Intermediate, 130 Lincoln, 40, 130, 138 Merrill Song, 138 Mono Fox, 165 Mountain Song, 34, 40 Nevada Sage, 142 Nuttall, 9, 46, 60, 101, 170 Oregon Vesper, 130 Rufous-crowned, 130