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Description of a New Pipilo.

Richard C. McGregor.

Pipilo maculatus falcifer[1] subsp. nov.

Subsp. char. Terminal white spot of outer tail feather considerably shorter (less than one inch) than in megalonyx; claws much longer and heavier than in oregonus, under tail coverts darker than in atratus; rump more or less grayish, upper tail coverts tipped with pale buff.
Type. No. 2274, ♂, McGregor Collection, Palo Alto, California. April 9, 1898. Chord of wing 3.38; tail 3.75; exposed culmen .55; white tail spot .76; chord of hind claw 46. Collected by T. J. Hoover.
Type. No. 882, ♀, McGregor Collection, Palo Alto, California, March 3, 1898.
Range. San Francisco Bay region.

  1. falx + fero; sickle-bearing, referring to the large hind claw.


Eggs of the Black Oystercatcher.

The set of Black Oystercatcher (Hamatopus bachmani), a photograph of which is presented herewith,, was taken in late June on the island of Ascencion, off the west coast of Lower California. The species is a common resident of all the rocky islands of this coast, and has a breeding range as far north at least as the Aleutian islands. The photograph shows a typical nesting site, and is equally characteristic of Frazar's Oystercatcher, which nests as far north as the southern border of the United States.

The nests are usually but a few feet above high water, and often, as in the set which I photographed, within a foot or two of the edge of a rocky ledge. The immediate region of the nest is usually marked by quantities of empty shells of limpets which have been brought there by the birds, probably before removing the contents. In no case have I found any attempt at nest building, both species laying their eggs in a hollow in the sand or on loose rocks.

A. W. Anthony.

Taylorsville. Cal.


At Otto Emerson's home in Haywards. Cal., a Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) had completed its nest on a vine overhanging the porch of the house on March 3.


William H. Kobbe of Fort Mason. San Francisco, has received from his father in the Philippines. Brigadier General Kobbe, a nest and eggs of Loxia luzoniensis, a species found only on the island of Luzon.


Some twelve active members have been added to the rolls of the Northern and Southern Divisions recently. This is perhaps the best proof possible of the activity now existing in the Cooper Club.