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May, t9oo [ THE CONDOR 63 cember and January a few miles further inland, where the mercury has a way of tumbling down to ?6 or x8 on any clear morning during those months. The ocean side of the county has an equable temperature also, but is wind swept and bleak, and is very similar to that portion of San Francisco county be- tween the city and the ocean shore, having large areas of sand and lupines, which are the breeding homes of Zonotrichia l. gainbell. Quite a stretch of the northern-most portion of the ocean side however, is open grass land and consists of low rolling hills, with but little timber or brush. This portion has not been closely observed to my knowledge and may contain some forms unfamiliar to me. The following list of Land Birds is made up from the obserYations of many years made by my brother and myself, with occasional aid from C. A. Allen of this place. This sketch of the county is only inte. nded to give a sort of general idea of its characteristics in relation to its avifauna, enabling one to arrive at a better understanding of the subject. ff LophorO,x cal?for?icus. CALIFORNIA PARTRIDGE. Ccmmon resident. 2 Co[umba.lCasiata. BAND-TAILED PIGEON. Breeds sparingly; Occasionally very numerous in fall or winter. 3 ,ff. eJtaidura macroura. MOURNING DOVE. Breeds abundantly; sparingly resident in winter. 4 Catharh's aura. ably sparingly. 5 ?7anus leucurus. record. 6 7 8 9 to TURKEY VULTURE. Common resident. Breeds, prob- WHITE-TAII,ED KITE. Occasional visitor; no breeding (rcus hlldsol?ilts. MARSH HAWK. Common winter resident. .4ccipi/er velox. SHARP-SHINNED H.?WK. Common winter resident. Mccipi/er cooperi. CoopEWs HAWK. Ccmmon winter resident. Mccipiter a. striatulus. WESTERN GOSHAWK. Rare visitor. ]3ttteo b. ca[?trt?s. WESTERN REDTAIL. Common resident. Nests in neigh- borhood of San Geronimo in tall firs and redwoods; other localities in large oaks. ? ? luteo l. elQgra?s. RED-BELLIED HAWK. Occasional winter visitant. x2 ,4rchib?tteo j?'rr?txine?ts. }tERRUt;INOUS ROUt;I?-LEG. Rare. Presumably resident in one or two localities. ?3 .dquila cht?'S(t'los. GO1.DEN EAGLE. Sparingly resident. ?4 Z?/cop. analurn. I)t:CK HAWK. Rare resident. A few breed on some of the rugged cliffs on ocean shore. ?5 Z?tlcocolumbarius. PIGEOX HAWK. Probably very rare visitant. One shot by myself, but not recovered and consequently identification not confirmed. ?6 ]'?lco s. dcsertico[us. DESERT SPARROW HAWK. Common resident; quite numerous. ?7 /?andion h. carolinensis. A5IERICAN OSPREY. Very rare visitant. Three seen at various times at Lake Laguinitas and one taken. ?8 Stri.vpratincola. AMERICAN BARN OWI,. Common resident; not numerous. ?9 ,4sio a,ilsonianus. AMERICAN LONG-EARED OWL. Resident iu redwood and fir forests. Probably not very abundant. 20 Asio accipitrinvs. SItORT-EARED OwL. Common on salt water marshes in winter and presumably resident. 2? J?e-ascops a. benditel. (.?ALIFORNIA SCREECH OWL. Very abundant resi- dent. 22 [h/bo vir, ffinia?tts subatelieRs (?) WESTERN (?) HORNED OWI,. Ccmmt'n resident; numerous. 23 SpeoO,to c. k?y5o.-rea. Bm?OWINC, OWL. Sparingly resideut iu restricted areas. 24 Glaucidium .?'. cal(/?rnicum. CALIFORNIA PYGMY OWL. C(nlmen resident; not numerous. 25 Geococo,x cahfornianus. ROAD-RUNNER. Very sparingly resident. 26 ('o1,z?ts a. occideutalis. CALIFORNIA (2UCKOO. l)oubtful. S(mm reported as having t)?en seen at Olema in ?898 , but no specimens taken.