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66 THE CONDOR [Vol. II 77 ,4mphis;biza belli. BELI?'S SVARROW. Breeds in linfited ntimbers. Abund- ant immigrant in summer after breeding season. In some years sparingly winter resident. 78 .4imophila ruficeps. RUVOt;S-CROW?ED SVARROW. Summer resident in very limited localities, never abundant. Passes through in August and September migrating south. Occasionally taken in winter. 79 J?relospizaf. samuelis. SA?iU?;L'S SONg SPARROW. Common resident. Abundant on marshes. 8o .lfelospizaf..?ruttata. RUSTY SONG SVARROW. Winter resident. Never abundant. Arrives in Septe?nber and October. 8? /?relospiza lincolnii. L?NCOLN'S SPARROW. Sparingly winter resident. Earliest record September ?8. 82 ?assetella i. unalaschcensis. TOWNSEND'S SPARROW. Abundant winter resident. Arrives in September and beginning of October. 83 ?assetella i. megark?,ncha. T?ItCK-BII?LED SV.aRROW. Some winters more or less abundant on the summits of brushy ranges. Other years none observed. Usually present only in very cold winters and during the coldest part. In ?897 a few taken in September. These were possibly a brood raised by parents that had been partially crippled in the previous winter. 84 Pipi/o m. oregonus. ()REt;ON TOWBEE. Common resident; comparatively abundant. 85 Pipilo./i crissalis. CAI?IrORNIAN TOWHEE. Abundant resident. 86 Zamelodia mela?wct75hala. BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK. Abundant sum- met resident. April ?3 earliest record. 87 (_?anospiza amtena. I,AZt;I?t Bt?2?T?N(;. Abundant summer resident. Our earliest record May 7 (C. A. Allen April =7.) 88 ?irang'a ludoviciana. LOU?StANA TANA(;ER. Spring migrant, going north. Generally rare at this time, but some years abundant. Also late sumrner immi- grant, numbers coming into the country when fruit is ripe and remaining during greater part of August and September, mostly birds of the year. 89 firefine s. hesperia. WESTERN I?[ARTIN. Sparingly summer resident. 90 ?etrocheh'don htnzfrons. CLIFV SWALLOW. Abundant summer resident. Earliest record March 24. 9? f3rirundo erjYhro, gaster. BARN SWALLOW. Common summer resident. Our earliest record April 9 (C. A. Allen March 3?.) 9 ? Tachvcinela bico/or. TREE SWALLOW. Summer resident. Abundant in white oak r?gions. 93 Tachycineta thalassina. VIOLET-GREEN SWAI. r. OW. Abundant spring mi- grant. Sparingly summer resident. 94 Clivico/a rilSaria. BANK SWALLOW. Abundant summer resident in favor- able localities. 95 Slelg'ido?te?Tcv serrilSennis. ROUen-WrithED SWALLOW. Common summer resident. 96 ,4rapelis cedrorum. CEDAR WAXWtN(;. Spring and fall migrant. Never observed in very large quantities. 97 ?haino]Se;bla nilens. PHAtNOPEPLA. Notes heard on one occasion. Never seen. 9 8 ttxlil'lts/. ,?txl?ib?l'. CALIFORNIA S?I?KE. Sparingly resident. 99 t?reogilvus. WARBLING V?REO. Abundant summer resident. Earliest record March 28. ?oo 1.7reo s. cassinii. CASS?X's V?REO. Rare visitant. One fall record only. ?ot t7reo ht:l?o?tt'. HUTTON'S VtREO. Abundant resident. xo2 ]]e/ntinlhophila c. lulescens. LUTESCENT WARBLER. Abundant summer resident. First observed February xS- xo 3 Jr)e?tdroica a'slh,a. 1xZELLOW WARBLER. Common summer resident. ?o 4 Dendroica coro?tata. MYRTLE WARB?,ER. Sparingly winter resident.