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Phalaropus hyperboreus, 71. lobatus, x5. Phalarope, Northern, t5- Phi'lacte canagica, 1?3. Phoebe, Black, 37, 64. Say's, 37, 64, 89: 9o, 136. Pica nuttalli, ?37. Pigeon, Band-tailed, x6, 63. Pinicola enucleator californica, lO7. Pintail, 14, ix 4. Pipilo fuscus crissalis, 66, 87, 9o, 137. fuseus senicula, 39. maculatus faleifer, 43. nmculatus megalonyx, 39, x37. maculatus oregonus, 66. Pipit, American, 4o, 67. Piranga ludoviciana, 39, 66, 11o, 137. Plectrophenax nivalis, 7I. Plover, Golden, lX3. Podilymbus podiceps, 14. Polioptila caerulea obscura, 4x, 67, x33, x38. Pocecetes gramineus affinis. 35. Poor-will, Dusky, 37, 64, 13o, 136. Porzana carolina, 15. Progne subis hesperia, 66. Psaltriparus minimus, 92. minimus californicus, 4o, 67, 138. Ptarmigan, Willow, H4. Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 28. Publications received, 24, 38, 74, 96, x43. Puffinus gavia, 29. Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus, 38. Qu.axL, Plumed, 91, lO9, x36. Valley, I36. Querquedula cyanoptera, 86. Quiscalus quiscula, 77. R.axL, California Clapper, 3?, 91. Sora, 15. Virginia, 15. Rallus beldingi, 3. obsoletus, 3x, 91. virginianus, 15. Raven, Anterican, 38, 64. Ray, M. S., notes on some unusual sets of eggs, 126. Recurvirostra americaua, xS, 34, 122. Redhead, 14 . Redpoll, Jx3. Hoary, 114 . Redtail, x6, I8, 63, 87, x36. Regulus calendula, 67, 9 L satrapa olivaceus, 4x, 67, x38. Reiser, F., early collecting experiences iu Cali- fornia, 41. Reynolds, R., facts anti the use we nmke of them, 117 . Rhodostethia rosea, 7o. Rhynchophanes mccownii, 79. Rhynehops nigra, 77. Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha, ?29. Ridgway, R., concerniug the use of scientific names? 41 . Rissa tridactyla, 71. tridactyla pollicaris, 113. Roadrunner, 34, 63. Robin, 98 . Western, 4x, 67, 88, 91, lXO, 138. Rough-leg, American, 131. Ferrnginous, 16, 63, 79, x31. SALPINCTES obsoletus, 4o, 67, 133, x38. Sandpiper, Least, x5. Pectoral, It 4. Spotted, xS- Western, 15 . Western Solitary, 15. Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 37, 52 , 64. Red-naped, 37, 64. Williamson's, lO7. Sayornis nigricans. 37. saya, 37, 64, 89, 9 o, 136. Schneider, J. J., nesting of the Pileolated Warb- ler in Los Ai?geles Co., 33; nesting of the California Cuckoo in Los Angeles Co., Cal., 34. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus, 38, 65, 92, 122, x47. Selasphorus alleni, 64, 9 t, 132. rufus, 37, 43, 64. Shearwater, Black-vented, 29. Shields, A.M., sketch of 27. Shoveller, 14. Shrike, California, 17, 35, 39, 66. Shufeldt, R. W., ornithological results of Dr. Nansen's expedition to the North Pole, 7o; on the scientific photography of birds' eggs, 75. Sialia arctica, 4x, 89, lO7. mexicana occidentalis, 4x, 55, 68, 138. Silloway, P.M., notes on the Long-billed Cur- lew, 79. Simorhynchus cristatellus 113. Siskin, Pine, 6?, 73, lO7. Sitta canadensis, 4o, 67, ?38, carolinensis aculeata, 67, x33. pygmaea, 67, HO. pygmaea leuconucha, 3. Skimmer, Black, 77. Snipe, Wilson's, 15. Snowbird, 99. Solitaire, Townsend's, 4, 67. Somateria mollissima, 71. Southern Division of the Cooper Club, Official