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THE CONDOR A Magazine of ?%stzrn Ornithology Published Bi-Monthly by the Cooper Ornitholo1cal Club ]?ntered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the i?ost-office at ?os Angeles (I-Io!!ywood Station). California. under Act of Con?ress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THE OZaDOH, care 1?. D. Dietz, First National Bank. I-Iollywoocl. California SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year in the United States. payable in advance. Thirty Cents the single copy. Oho Dollar ?nd Sevonty-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars ?er year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars ?nd Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. !?!anmcripts for publication, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, J. Grinnell, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, university of California, Berkeley, California. Cl?!ms for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thtrty days of date ?f issue. Cooper Club Dues, Subscriptions to The Condor, and Exchm?es, should be ?ent to the Business Manager. For the Purchmo of J?ck Volumes of The Condor or of the Peo;flc Coast Avifmmf? series, apply to the Business Manager. Address W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager, ?agle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. CONTENTS Notes on the Nesting of the Mountain Plover (with eight photos) ...... ?. C. Bradbury 157 Frank Stephens?an Autobiography (with one photo) .............................. F. Ste?he.s 164 Evidence that Many Birds Remain Mated for Life ............................... ?. C. /?'illard 167 A Return to the Dakota Lake Region (coniinued) ...... .F]ore?ce Merri? B?i]ey 1?0 Some Oceanic Birds from off the Coast of Washington and Vancouver Island(with one photo) .......................................................... ?t?nton /?'?r?r?on, Jr. 178 Description of a New Subspecies of Cyanolaemus cle?nenciae _ Iararry C. Oberholser 181 Some Summer Birds of Alert Bay, British Columbi? ................... t'. ?1. Taverner 183 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Second Occurrence of Wilson Plover in California ................. ?/. A?. Incersoll 187 Heermann Gull with V?hite Primary Coverts ..................... P. ?/. Taverner 187 Pacific Coast Records of the European lVidgeo? .......................... i/. S. Palmer 187 An Albino Magpie ................................................................................ ?/. D. ?)?oi$ 189 New Records for Some of the Islands off the Coast of Southern California ............................................................................................ Joseph l?Yailliard 189 Extension of ICuown Distribution in Some Northern California Birds ............................................................................................... JoselSh Grinnell 190 Long Waits for Sets of Winter Wrens ................................... John M. Davis 190 Large Set of Eggs of the XVestern Red-tailed Hawk .......... Lawrence Peygon 191 Supposed New Record for Central Kansas ..................................... ?l. J./(irn 191 Bird Notes from Admiralty Island, Southeastern Alask?____.?1. E./-tasselborg 191 A Late Nest of the Swainson Hawk ................................................ ?l. D. l)ut?ois 191 Notes from Southern California ....................................................... L. E. I?yman 192 When the Thrnshes Cease from Singing ................................ Joselbh ?lrailliard 192 A New Bird for Santa Catalina Island .......................................... I4'. C. ?Bryanl 193 Late Snowy Owl Dates .......................................... Stanton Fe'arburton, Jr. 193 The Virginia ?'arbler in California ........................................... J. Grinnell 193 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ............................................................. 194 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................................................................ 19