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Jan., t9Ol I T}11,; CDNI}DR "SNAP SHOTS AT PROMINENT ORNITHOLOGISTS. NO. I." 23 9. 7'rin?7 minutilla Vieill. Least Sandpiper. Nutchuk, ? adult, June 30. m. tfeteractitis incanus (Gmel.). Wandering Tattler. Orca, ? adult, July x9-- H. ,4ren?ria melanocephala (Vig.). Black Turnstone. Orca, four adults, July x9. ?2. tfcem?topus bachmaul Aud. Black Oyster-catcher. Nutchuk, c? adult, July 5. ?3. ?trchibuteo la?opus sanctiv'ohannis (Gruel.). American Rough-legged Hawk. Iak Lake, juvenile (full grown), July 24. x 4. Corvus caurznusBaird. Northwest Crow. Orca, c? juvenile (full grown), luly ?5. ?trnmodra?iiussan.twichensis alaudinus (Bonap.). Western Savanna Sparrow. Nutchuk, c? adult, July 2. ?6. Passerella iff.qca a?nectens Ridgw. Yakntat Fox Sparrow. Nutchuk, eight specimeus, June 30 to July 7; Orca, ? adult, June 27. ?7. tfirundo erythroffaster Bodd. Barn Swallow. Nutchuk, c? adult, June 30. This specimen does not appear to answer to the characters assigned by Palmer ? to unalaschcensis. The Alaskan skins I have examined (Kotzebue Sound and Sitka) do not seem to differ on an average in wing measnrements and extent of white mark- ings on the tail, from U.S. specimens. ?8. Cinclus mevricanus Swains. American Dipper. Iak Lake, c? adult, July 23.

  • Avifauna of the Pribilofs. 1. c