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THE WARBLER A 16-page, bi-nlonthly magazine devoted to the study and protection of North American Wild Birds. Edited by REV. H. ?. ?/UN?ON, Buckfield, ?/e. Published by the ?ffayfiower Pub. Co., Floral Park, iV. Y. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Only 30 Cente for Three Years. ,? Northwestern Aq Soo, ?f,, )?"_? Taxidermy ? (Incorporated) Capitalization $10,? full? paid The only Correspondence School in the world teaching the art of Taxidermy. TUITIONS, Complete Course: In Personal Classes $30.o0 ? By Correspondence . ?xS.OO We invite correspondence with all per- I I First number issued January, 1903. The sons interested in the subject. "WARBLER" as a department of the lUayfiower ? ?. Magazine has made hosts of friends, and is now able to walk alone. Address J.W. ELWOOD, ' Secretary TIlE WJlllGLEi, Floral HaiisDird Hagazine! } Unle Sam's Islan Have you seenthe Possessions }0U?fiI[ 0[ T?[ ? Governor of Guam after the Spanish war, lea fillfit OfilTfiOLOQl(lL SO(l[Tl? It is a quarterly journal of Maine ornithology; "Bird protection, bird study, the spread of the knowledge thus gained, these are our objects." With deparhnents devoted to "The Home Garden aud Greenhouse," and to the XVild Flower Preser- Volume V, beginning with the vatiou Society, of which this jonrnal is the official organ. Sendstamp for a stunpie copy, mention- January i9o 3 number, $o cents per ing.Tl{E CONDOR. A copy of our souvenir and stamp for sample copy. $x.oo per Year MERTON SWAIN, .?ad?es? ?dttor & Bustaloes ?anager, The Plant World Company FAIRFIEI4D? HAINE. P.O. BOX 334. WASHINGTON? D.C. Are of interest to every American nowadays. "Notes of a Naturalist in Guam," written by Lieut. WinJam E. Safford, who was Lieutenant- series of beautifully illustrated articles telling about this remote island. They are published in THE PLANT WORLD Au Illustrated l?outhly ?agaziue of Pop- ular Botany,