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Nov., 1903 I THE CONDOR

Ivecx>nte 105 Palmer 105 Sage 52, 74. 150 Thrush, Audubon Hermit 151 Dwarf Hermit 155 Varied 155 Thryomanes bewicki baird 150 spilurus 155 Tiaris olivacea pusilla 91 Tit, Lead -colored 151 Titmouse, Bridled 151 Gray 105 Tityra semifasciata j^rsonata 93 Todirostrum cinereum 91 Towhee, Abert 12, 103 Anthony 103 California 13, 98, 155 Canyon 103, 149 Green-tailed 13, 37, 51, 103, 149 San Francisco 155 Spurred 13, 51, 74, 103, 149 Toxostoma bendirei 35, 36, 105, 150 crissale 105 150 curvirostre palnieri 105 lecontei 105 Tringa minutilla 77 Trochilus alexandri 35, 36, loi, 130 Troglodytes aedon aztecus 105, 151 park man i 99 intermedins 91 Trogon ambigims 69 Trogon, Coppery -tailed 69 Turkey, Merriam 129 Turnstone, Black 127 Tyrannus verticalis 102, 130 vociferans 36, 102, 130 Uria californica 20 troile calif ornica 127 Urubitinga anthracina 70 Valuev quail, on the use of sentinels by 146 Verdin 105 Vestiaria coccinea 79 Vireo, Cassin 62, 65, 104 Gray 35 Least 104 Plumbeous 104 Santa Cruz Island 157 Warbling 37, 62, 104, 150 Vireo gilvus 38, 150 s wain son i 104 huttoni 157 mailliardorum 157 pusillus 104 solitanus cassini 104 plumbeus 104 vicinior 35, 36 Vulture, Black 93 Turkey 34, 77» '-^ Warbler, Alaska Pileolated 80 Audubon 37, 74, 79. 150, 155 Black-throated Gray 105, 150 California Yellow 71 Chestnut-sided 93 Hermit 150 Lutescent 99, 104, 150 Lucy 104 Macgillivray 37, 150 Pileolated 105, 150 Townsend 150 Virginia 104 Wilson 93 Yellow 74, 105 Warren, E. R., query 20 Weed, C. M. and Dearborn, N., notice of their 'birds in their relations to man' 161 Williams, John J., on the use of sentinels by valley quail 146 Wilsonia pusilla chryseola 23, 80 pileolata 2^^ 80, 105, 150 pusilla 80 Woodhewer, Costa Rica 93 Woodpecker, Ant-eating 10 1, 130 Arizona 106, 130 Baird 10 1, 130 Cabanis 10 1, 154 California 154 Gila loi Hairy 35 Lewis 74 Red-bellied 81 Red-headed 74 Wren, Baird 81, 105, 150 Canyon 104 Cactus 150 Desert Cactus 105 House 74 Parkman 19, 99 Rock 150 Tule 124 134, 127 Vigors 99, 155 Western House 105, 151 Western Marsh 52, 133, 151 Western Winter 155 Wren -tit 155 XanThocephalus xanthocephalus 51, 102, 131 Xiphocolaptes emigrans costaricensis 93 Yellowthroat, Baird 91 Pacific 19 Western 52, 150 Zamelodia melanocephala 103, 149 Zarhynchus wagleri 93 2Senaidura macroura 34, 36, 77, 81, 129 Zonotrichia leucophrys 103, 131 nutalli 154 Digitized by Google