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Jan., ?9o4 I THE CONDOR 27 Chambers, W. Lee, Santa Monica. ?897. Chapman, Miss Bertha L., 404 Walsworth Ave., Oakland. 19o?. Chapman, Frank M.,Amer. Museum Natural History, New York City. 19o 3 . Clark, F. C., Napa City. 19oo. Clark, Ulysses S., 952 South 6th St., San Jose. ?894. Clemens, Rev. Joseph, Monterey. 19o 3 . Coffin, Dr. W. V., State School, Whittier. 1899. Cohen, Donald A., Alameda. ?894. Coleman, Geo. A., Stanford University. 19Ol. Conant, Prof. Geo., Pasadena. ?9oL Cooper, Jas. S., Haywards. ?9o3 . Cummings,Claude,Pinole, Conta Costa Co. 1897. Daggett, Frank S., 255 Ramona St., Pasadena. I895. Davis, Evan, Orange. 1894. Day, Miss Margaret, Lake Forest, Ill. ?9o3. Dean, W. F., Three Rivers, Tulare Co. 19oi. Diggles, R. N., Melones, Calaveras Co. 19Ol. Dille, Fred M.. Longmont, Colo. 19o 3. Dorsey, Mrs. F. E., Stanford University. ?9o2. Dresser, Miss Verna, Pismo, San Luis Obispo County. i9oi. Emerson, W. Otto, Route 1, R. F. D., Box i, Haywards. 1894. Englehardt, Miss Sophie, 647 E1 Dorado Ave- nue, Oakland. ?9o2. Eschenberg, Miss Ida M., ?368 Webster St., Oakland. 19o 3 . Feudge, John B., Highland, San Bernardino County. I9o2. Finley, Win. L., 2527 Channing Way, Berkeley. x9oo. Fisher, Dr. A. K., Dept. Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. t9o 4. Fisher, Walter K., Palo Alto. 10oo. Forrester, Miss G. B., Round Mt., Shasta Co. 19o3. Fowler, Fred H., Palo Alto. i9Ol. Fowler, Henry W?., Academy Nat. Scicnces, Philadelphia, Pa. I9O 3 . Franklin, Burnell, South Pasadena. 1899. Frisius, Miss Agnes, 2?43 Railroad Ave., Ala- meda. t9o3. Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, Ithaca, N.Y. ?9o4. Gane, Henry Stewart, Santa Barbara. 19o 3. Gay, Harold, Stanford University. 1898 . Gilbert, Dr. Chas. H., Stanford Univ. ?9o2. Gilman, M. French, Banning, Riverside Coun- ty. ?9ol. Gilman, Phil K., Box 141, Stanford Univ. 1895. Goldman, E. A., Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. 19oo. Goldman, Luther J., 23?4 Prince St., Berkeley. Goodman, H. P., Napa City. t9ot. Grey, Henry, Box 783, San Diego. I9OI. Grimm, George, 545 Market St , San Francisco. I9OI. Grinnell, Joseph, 572 N. Marengo Ave., Pasa- dena. 1894. Groesbeck, Chas. E., Ocean ?ark. ?897. Hahn, Benj. W., Pasadena. 19oo. Hanford, Forrest S., I363 ilth St., Oakland. Hanna, Wilson C. Box i46 , ColSon. I9O2. Harding, Mrs. J. C., Antioch. I9O 3. Hart, Lester C., Santa Monica. Hayden, Edmund M., Santa Barbara, R. F. D. 1. ?9o3 . Head, Miss Anna, 2538 Channing W. ay, Berke- ley. 19o2. Heller, Edmund, Riverside. I894. Herre, A. C., Stanford University. ?9Ol. Holland, Harold M., Box 515, Galesburg, Ill. Hoover, Theodore J., Palo Alto. 1898. Hottel, Leon, 2I N. Franklin St., Napa. I9Oi. Howard, Edward, 853 S. Olive St., Los Ange- les. I902. Howard, O. W., Box 484, Los Angeles. ?895. Hunter, J. S., 2?I 5 Allston Way, Berkeley. i9o 3. Illingworth, J. F., i7o8 Harvard Ave., Seattle, Wash. Ingersoll, A.M., 816 5th St., San Diego. I895. Ingram, Wm. N., Pacific Grove. I9oi. Jackson, ?Villis H., Pescadero. 19oi. Jamison, A.M., Santa Monica. I9O?. Jay, Alphonse, 756 S, Spring St., Los Angeles. 19oi. Jay, Antonin, 756 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. I9OI. Jenkins, Miss Alice M., Stanford Univ. I9O2. Jenkins, Hubert O., Stanford Unive?ity. ?9o2. Johnson. A. ?,V., Upper Lake, Lake Co. i894. Johnson, H. R., Stanford University. 19ot. Jones, Robt. F., Santa Monica. 19o2. Jordan, Dr. David Starr, Stanford Univ. ?9o2. Judson, W. B., 51oo Pasadena Avenue, Los An- geles. ?894. Julien, Mtss Lillian, Yreka. i9oi. Keading, Henry B., 820 Scott St., San Francis- co. 1895. Kaeding, Geo. L., X2Ol Laguna St., San Fran- cisco. 19o 3 . Keefer, Miss A., U. C. Cottage 3, Berkeley. x9oo. Kellogg, Vernon L., Stanford University. t9ot. Kessing, Lawrence, i43o Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda. i899. Keyes, Chas. R., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. i9oo. Kobbe, XYm. H., 74 Lake Pi., New Haven, Conn. I899. Kocher, R. Jr., 99 Morrison Avenue, San Jose. I9Ol. Lamb, Chester C., Box i94 , Berkeley. i899. Law, J. Eugene, Hollywood. 19oo. Lelande, H. J., City Hall, Los Angeles. i897. Little, Geo. E-, Bank of Whittier, Whittier. 1899- Little john, Chase, Redwood City, t9oI. Loomis, Leverets Mills, Cal. Academy Sciences, San Francisco. 19o2. Love, Chas. A., 3353 22rid St., San Francisco. 1901.