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THE WARBLER WITH 1906 The Warbler begins a new series which will contain many stt- p_e_rb Colored Plates of rare eggs such as Kirtland and Olive Warbl?-r, Cur(,liaa Par- oquet. Clark's Crow. Ipswich aa(I Rufi.n? Crowned Sparrow. Yellow and Black Rail. Cainverna Warbler, etc. Also spleu(iid illustrations of Birds and Nests. and lead- ing articles by well known authorities. Published Quarterly, 32 Palles & Cover P, ffgs of Kirtland Warbler will be figured in first issue(,Ian.or Feb.)of the new sories. aDmtr?n THE WARBLER THE AMERICAN BIRD M_&GAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. EveryUfiug original. Each number C?ntains Ten Birds in Natural Colors For identifications Monthly, $I.00 per year Single Copies I0 cents Everyone subscribing now is entitled to a Life-sized Enlargement of the "Chippy l?'amily"in natural colors, on paper ?zxzo inches. This is prob- ably the best photograph ever taken an entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL To all who mention "The Condor" we will send Vol. I and 1I, and sub- scriptions for ?9o3, with the "Chippy Family," for $z5o. Address American 0rnitholoiy Worecate,, Mass. Uncle Sam's island Possessions Are of interest to every American nowadays. "Notes of a Naturalist in Guam," written by Lieut. William E Snfford, who was Lieutenant- Governor of Guam after the Spanish war, is a series of beantififily illustrated articles telling about this remote island. They are published in THE PLANT WORLD An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Pop- ular ?otany, With departments devoted to "The Home Garden and Greenhouse," and to the Wild Flower Preser- vation Society, of which this journal is the official organ. Send stamp for a sample copy. mention- ing T?E CoNDos. A copy of our souvenir and anniversary number free to every new subscriber. $x.5o per Year Address ?he Plant World Company P.O. Box 334. WASHIIqGTOl?I? D.C. The Oologist Is Growing Every Day Growing a Larger Subscription List Growing Better Every Day rHY ? Because we aim to give our subscribers what they want as far as possible. If you are forming a collection of bird skins. birds eggs or bird photos; it you need bird literature; if you have any of these to dispose of; in any case you need "THE OOLOOL?T." We reach the people interested in these hobbies every month. We keep you posted on the little things you cannot afford to miss. Try the "noLoGIST' a year and be convinced. Published every month, only 5o cents a year with free exchange or sale notice. Sample copy for stamp. Address, I?RNI?ST H. SHORT F, ditor and Manager CHILI, .... Ig?W YORK