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THE CONDOR VoL. IX lew), one seen; Plegadis (?) (A black Ibis), one seen; Fulica americana (American Coot), two seen feeding under banks on the edge of the lagoon. Several hundred ducks were seen, the majority being of the following species: Dafila acula (Pintail); 2Y[areca ?tmericana (Bald pate); Querquedula discors (Blue-winged Teal); Spatula clypeala (Shoveller); and a single ]?uligula vallisneria (Can- vasback). Tho several flocks flew quite near me in circling about the lagoon the only one shot was a Shoveller and this one was only winged and was not secured. Sula variegala--Amongst the thousands of Blue-faced Boobies, two of this species were seen and one of them, a female, shot. The other seemed to be paired with a Blue-faced Booby. On Cocos Island, January 26, I9o2: ?2?gialilis semipalmala (Semipalmated Plover), four seen; Slrepsilas inlerpres (Turnstone), six seen; Bulbrides virescens (Green Heron), one shot; ?Vyclanassa violacea (Yellow-crowned Night Heron), two seen; Querquedula discors (Blue-wing Teal), one shot, two more seen; Sula variegala (Variegated booby), two seen; ]?alco peregrinus (Duck Hawk), one seen.--R. H. BECK, 2Y[onlerey,California. The l?lew Gull in Southern California.--On the I4th of April, i9o7, I secured a female specimen of Larus canus on Alamitos Bay, Los Angeles County, California. The gull was resting on the mud fiat exposed by low tide; it was standing alone, about fifteen feet from a large flock of American Herring and Western Gulls and was quite easily appoached by boat, altho the Herring and Western Gulls were noisily leaving the vicinity. This is the only individual of this species that I have seen this season, altho I have spent almost the entire time on the Los Angeles County coast and adjacent islands, since January ist.-- C. B. LIN?rON, Long Beach, California. l?lagnolia Warbler in Oregon.--.-?Ir. William Warner of Salem, Oregon, says that in January one of his friends brought in a Magnolia Warbler (Dendroica mqculosa) which was picked up dead in his front yard. He thought the bird had killed itself by flying against the window. The person who found the bird reported seeing a small band of these Warblers about the locality. I do not know of any other record of this bird in Oregon.--W. L. FINLEY, Port- land, Oregon. The Horned Grebe in Southern California.--On the morning of November 4, ?9o6, while rowing in San Diego Bay, near the Hotel Del Coronado, I heard ashot from a yacht nearby and noticed the yachtsmen put about and pick up a bird from the water, glance at it and throw it back. I was immediately2upon the scene and gathered in the specimen which proved to be a beau- tiful adult female Horned Grebe (Colymbus auritus). There were several hundred American Eared Grebes in the bay, but I observed no other C. auritus during my four months stay in this locality. I have since taken a juvenile female C. auritus in Alamitos Bay, Los Angeles County, January ?4, ?9o7.--C. B. LINTON, Long Beach, California. A l?lew Record for Colorado.--In "May or June, ?9oo ", Mr. B. G. Voigt (deceased) shot a Prothonotary Warbler (ProlonGtarfa citrea) between Palmer Lake and Monument, Colorado. In "May I9O2", he shot two more specimens of the same species on the Arkansas River about 2 miles east of Pueblo, Colorado. I examined and identified these birds and while doing so was struck with the paleness of the bill, corresponding to the fall and winter plumage of this species. I thereupon sent one of the birds to Mr. Robert Ridgway, who writes that there is in the National Museum collections a specimen in this plumage which was taken as early as July 28, and who thinks that the dates, "May" and "J?ne", as given to me, are certainly erroneous. I cannot vouch for these dates, nor is it possible now to confirm the note which Mr. Voigt gave me. This establishes another new species for Colorado.--A. H. FELGER, Denver, Colorado. llexican Black Hawk in California.--On the 26th of November, ?9o6, I secure ad male Urubilinga anlhracina within the city limits of National City, San Diego County, Califor- nia. The hawk was making a second attempt to capture a tame duck on the shore of a pond about twenty-five yards from the Wallace racing stables of this city, and was shot by on.e of the stable hands, I being present at the time. This is the third of this species killed in this locality during ?9o5-o6.--C. B. LIN?rON, Long Beach, Calzornia.