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2O2 VOL, IX INDEX TO OLUlvIE IX A Accipiter, 86, x36, 154, 187 Accipiter cooperii mexicanus, 136 plumbarius, 57 velox, 154 velox pacificus, I36 Acredula, 147 Actiris macularia, 26, 78, 187 Actodromas minutilla, I87 Adams, Ernest, notes from Placer Co., 28 Adams, Samuel, an experience with the South American Condor, 44 Adams and Martin, Messrs., photographs by, 45, 46, 47 ?Echmophorus occidentalis, 97, 186 ?Egialitis semipalmata, 17o vocifera, x87 Aeronautes melanoleucus, 88, 154, 769 Agelaius gubernator californicus, 789 phceniceus, 749, 156 phceniceus neutralis, 88, 739 tricolor, 88, 139, 177 Aimophila ruficeps, 89, 115, 159 Aix sponsa, 198 Alauda, 57 Alexander, Miss A.M., notes upon expedition headed by, 94 Ampelis, x47 codforum, 139 Amphispiza belli, 89 belli cinerea, x39 belli nevadensis, 757 bilineata deserticola, 79, 139, 157 Anderson, Malcolm P., a collecting trip in Korea, 146 Arias boschas, 86, 186 Anser albifrons, 58 bernacla, 58 canadensis, 58 hyperboreus, 58 segetum, 747 Antbus pensilvanicus, 139, 194 Antrostomus vociferus macromystax, 196 Aphelocoma californica, 63 obscura, 88, 138 woodhousei, 155 Aquila, 147 chrysaetos, 57, 86, 154 haliaeta, 57 leucocephala, 57 Ardea herodias, xo6, x87 Ardetta exilis, 91 Arenaria melanocephala, ?8, 80 Asio wilsonianus, 87, I37, 154 Astragalinus, x9 lawrencei, 89 psaltria, I56 psaltria hesperophilus? 79, 89, 139, x99 tristis pallidus, 156 tristis salicamaus, 89 Auriparus flaviceps lamprocephalus, I38 Avocet, lO5 Aythya collaris, 187 vallisneria, Io5, 187 B Baeolophus inornatus, 9 o, 199 Bailey, Florence Merriam, white-throated swifts at Capistrano, 169 Baldpate, 11o Bamboo, 161 Beck, Rollo H., Monterey Bay notes, 58; notes from Clipperton and Coccos Islands, lO 9 Beebe, C. William, review of his "The Bird", 30 Bittern, American, lO5, 187 Least, 9 I Blackbird, Brewer, 11, 89, 756, 189, x98 California Bicolored, 149, 189 Marsh, 24 Red-winged, 156 San Diego Red-winged, 88 Tricolored, 88, 177 Yellow-headed, 28, 156 , I89 Bluebird, Western, 91 , 127, I73, 191 Mountain, 791 , 195 , 197 Chestnut-Backed, 195 Bob-white, Masked, 197 Bohlman, Herman T., photographs by, 13, I4, 15, 34. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 98 , 99, lOO, IOI, i22, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 Bolander, Louis, birds observed from Marys- ville to Grass Valley, 22 Booby, Blue-faced, 11o Variegated, 11o Botanrus lentiginosus, 187 Bowles, J. H., two new winter records from Tacoma, Washington, 60 Brachyramphus hypoleucus, 5? Branta canadensis occidentalis, 187 Brown, Herbert, where does the western boun- dary line run for the Arizona Quail?, lO 9 Brown, W. W., Jr., birds collected by, 77, 135 Bubo magellanicus, 154 magellanicus elachistus, ?37 magellanicus pacificus, 137 virginianus pacificus, 20, 87 Bunting, Lark, 43, 157 Lazuli, 26, 85, 89, 157, 196, 199, Snow, 57 Bushtit, 23 California, 97 Lead-colored, 105 Buteo borealis calurus, 86, 754 , I87 lineatus elegans, 86, x36 swainsoni, 86, 154 Butorides virescens, Iio Buzzard, Turkey, 57