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2o8 THE CONDOR VoL. IX Ritter, William E., ornithology for a student of evolutionary problems, 65 Roadrunner, 51 , 87 Robin, Western, 26, 191 , 195 Rockwell, Robert B., the woodhouse jay in western Colorado, 81; some Colorado notes on the rocky mountain screech owl, 14o; (with L.J.Hershey)a new breeding bird for Colorado: the Cassin Sparrow (Peucc?a cassini) nesting near Denver, 191 Rogers, Reginald, the Band-tailed Pigeon at Santa Barbara, 28 s ?lalpinctis obsoletus, 195 obsoletus, 79, 81, 138 Sandpiper, Aleutian, 129 Least, I35, I87 Spotted, 187 Sapsucker? Redbreasted, 132, 188 Northern Redbreasted, 128 Red-naped, 154 Sareorhamphus californianus, 57 gryphus, 44, 16? Sayornis nigricans, 88, 137 saya, 78, 88, I37, 155 Sclater, W. L.,the bird islands of South Africa, 71 Scolecophagus cyanocephalus, ?39, 156, I98 Scorer, Surf, 128 White-winged, 128, 198 Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis, 28, 6o Selasphorns platycercus, 154 rufus, 78 . Sharp, C. S., the breeding birds of Escondido, 84; the condor fifty years ago, 16o Sheldon, Harry H., a bit too previous, 111; a collecting trip by wagon to Eagle Lake, I85 Shrike, California, 24, 50, 85, 9 , 19o White-rnmped, 194 Shovellet, IlO Sialia arctica, 191,195 , 197 mexicana, 91 bairdi, 195 occidentalis, 121, 174, I9I Silloway, P. M., stray notes from the Flathead woods, 53 Siphia erithacus, 162 Siskin, Pine, 18, 128, 132, 189 Sitta canadensis, 54, 19o carolinensis aculeata, 91, 190, 195 pygm?ea, 19o, 195 Smith, Austin Paul, the Thick-billed Parrot in Arizona, lO4; summer notes from an Arizona camp 196; the Gray-headed Junco in the Cuyamaca Mountains, California, I99 Snipe, Wilson, 187 Solitaire, Townsend, 191, 195 Sparrow, Brewer, 18 9 Bell, 8 9 Black-chinned, 8 9 Cassin, 191 Desert, 157 English, 25, 28, 60, lO8, 156, 199 Oambel, 157 Lincoln, 157 Mountain Song, 157 Rufous-crowned, 89, 115, 158, 159 Rusty, 6o Sage, 157 San Diego Song, 89 Sandwich, 128 Savanna, 35 Slate-colored, 157 Thick-billed, 189 Townsend Fox, 128, 129, I35 Western Chipping, 19, 22, 43, 89, 157, 189 Western Lark, 25, 85, 89, I57 Western Tree, I57 Western Vesper, I56 White-crowned, 53, I57 Spatula clypeata, io5, Iio Speotyto cunicularia hypoga?a, 87, 137, I54 Spinus pinus, 156, 189 pinus, 18 Spizella atrogularis, 89, z39 breweri, 79, 14o, 189 monticola ochracea, 157 pallida, 14o socialis arizon?e, 22, 89, 139, 157, 189 Spheniscus demersus, 72 Sphyrapicus rnber, ?36, 188 varius nuchalis, 154 Spoonbill, lO5 Squatarola squatarola, lO 9 Stelgid0pteryx serripennis, 158, 19 Stellula calliope, 189 Sterna antillarnm, 58 caspia, 97 forsteri, 07, 186 maxima, 78 Strepsilas interpres, 11o Strix cunicularia, 57 pratincola, 87,137,154 Sturnella magna neglecta, 88 neglecta, 139, 156, 189 Sula variegata, Surf Bird, i29 Swallow, Bank, 58, 176, 1o Barn, 135 , 158, I9o Cliff, 58, 9 , 19 , 194, 199 Common Barn, 58 Eave, 169 Rough-winged, ?58, 19o Tree, 24, 19o Violet-green, 194 Swift, Vaux, 188 White-throated, 88, 154,169 Syrnium occidentale, 154, I98 vatlure, 198