Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 2.djvu/125

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chester, Va., on the 25th of November, 1862, with—Major, Ridgely Brown.

Adjutant, George W. Booth.

Assistant Quartermaster, Capt. Ignatius Dorsey.

Surgeon, Wilbur R. McKnew.

Sergeant-Major, Edward Johnson.

Quartermaster Sergeant, Charles I. Tregner.

Company A: Captain, Frank A. Bond. First-Lieutenant, Thomas Griffith. Second-Lieutenant, J. A. V. Pue, Edward Beatty.

Company B: Captain, George M. Emack. Lieutenants, Mason E. McKnew, Adolphus Cook, Henry C. Blackiston.

Company C: Captain, Robert C. Smith. Lieutenants, George Howard, J. Jeff. Smith, Groeme Turnbull.

Company D: Captain, Warner G. Welsh. Lieutenants, William H. H. Dorsey, Stephen D. Lawrence, Milton Welsh.

Subsequently the battalion was joined by—

Company E: Captain, William J. Raisin. Lieutenants, John B. Burroughs, Nathaniel Chapman, Joseph K. Roberts.

Company F: Captain, Augustus F. Schwartz. Lieutenants, C. Irving Ditty, Fielder C. Slinghoff, Samuel G. Bond.

Thereupon Major Brown was promoted lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. Robert Carter Smith major.

In July, 1864, Capt. Gustavus W. Dorsey joined the battalion with Company K of the First Virginia cavalry as Company H: Captain, Gustavus W. Dorsey. Lieutenants, N. C. Hobbs, Edward Pugh. Second Lieutenant, Mr. Quinn. (Rudolphus Cecil had been killed in battle.)

The battalion served in the valley of Virginia in the brigade of Wm. E. Jones, as a constituent part of the Maryland Line, consisting of the First Maryland infantry, the First Maryland cavalry and the Second Maryland or Baltimore light artillery.