Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 2.djvu/252

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nearly an hour, not withdrawing until outflanked and under fire of six pieces of artillery. This gave time for a proper disposition of Jackson's little army of less than 2,000 men, for a defense of the works which they had partially completed. An artillery duel now began and continued with energy and with circumstances of romantic scenery and reverberating thunder from the surrounding mountains that made the scene one long to be remembered by the soldiers waiting for their part in the fight. Presently the enemy sent a strong column of infantry across the shallow river against Jackson's left wing, which the Arkansans drove back in confusion. On the other flank a more formidable movement developed, while a direct attack was made in front. But the enemy was met with such a well-directed fire of musketry and artillery, that his whole force finally fell back in disorder, leaving behind some of their killed and a stand of United States colors. The combat in which the Confederates won such brilliant distinction, lasted from 7 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon, when the enemy, whose well-filled haversacks indicated a purpose to make a much more protracted campaign, was in full retreat to his mountain fastness. The official returns on each side show a loss in killed and wounded: Confederate 39, Federal 43; Confederates taken prisoner, 13.

Some indication of the sufferings of the soldiers in this mountain campaign is given in the appeal of Col. John B. Baldwin to Secretary Benjamin, from his post on the top of Alleghany mountain. He reported that the country, sparsely settled, producing little surplus at any time, was now especially barren. Supplies from the Hardy valley were interrupted by the enemy's incursions, the roads to Petersburg and Staunton would be impassable in winter, and even then (October) his horses were on half rations. Winter rapidly approaching would find them without huts or houses or tools to build shelters with. Perhaps some relief was given these gallant men.