Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 4.djvu/453

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as a lieutenant in the Thirtieth Virginia regiment throughout the war, participating in the famous Confederate charge on Cemetery hill at Gettysburg. James Carmichael was born at Fredericksburg in 1835, and was educated at Concord academy, Hanover academy and the university of Virginia, after which he entered upon the study of law with Judge W. S. Barton, of Fredericksburg, and was admitted to the bar in 1858. Then determining to devote his life to the Christian ministry, he began a course of study at the Alexandria theological seminary, from which he was compelled to retire by the advance of the invading armies in 1861. In May of that year he was commissioned chaplain of the Thirtieth Virginia infantry, and he was with this command in the field of duty until the spring of 1862, when he was disabled by lung trouble and was sent on furlough to Greensboro, N. C. There he remained unfit for duty until November following, when, at the request of Dr. James L. Cabell, post surgeon at Danville, he was assigned as post chaplain at the latter place. In this capacity he served until July 3, 1865. Subsequently Dr. Carmichael was in charge of St. James church, near Louisville, Ky., until the fall of 1868, then at Grace church, Memphis, until 1878. After a briefer service at Port Deposit, Md., he assumed his present duties at Wilmington in 1883. Dr. Carmichael is chaplain of Cape Fear camp of Wilmington, and was recently made an honorary member of Camp 171, Confederate veterans, of Washington, D. C.

Samuel Carmon, a popular railroad man of Wilmington, is a survivor of a patriotic North Carolina family, for two generations connected with the soldierly career of the Fayetteville light infantry. His father, Joshua Carmon, a native of Fayetteville, served with this command in the war of 1812, and in civil life was noted for his faithful service during fifty years as bookkeeper of the Bank of Cape Fear, at his native city. An older son of the latter, Joshua Carmon, Jr., served in the Mexican war, and as a private in General Lane's brigade in the Confederate war, was badly wounded at the battle of New Bern, and has since died. Samuel Carmon, born at Fayetteville in 1841, and there reared and educated, went on duty for the State as a private in the Fayetteville light infantry in April, 1861, and with the Bethel regi-