Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 4.djvu/63

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Crator), the Fifty-second (Col. J. K. Marshall), the Fifty-third (Col. W. A. Owens), the Fifty-fourth (Col. John Wimbish), and the Fifty-fifth (Col. J. K. Conolly)—all between the 21st of April and the 19th of May. The Fifty-first (Col. J. L. Cantwell) was recruited in the Cape Fear district and organized at Wilmington.

"The State had now in a very short while fifteen splendid regiments organized and ready for service, except arms, which will be mentioned later. All the military departments of the State were tried to their uttermost to clothe, feed and equip this large number of troops, who so promptly came to the defense of the State. In addition to those mentioned above, twelve or thirteen more regiments were in sight at the adjutant-general s office, to be taken care of when fully recruited.[1]

  1. Organization of the Troops.