Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 4.djvu/9

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CHAPTER I. First and Last Situation in the Beginning-Preparing for War The Dual Organizations of North Carolina Troops, State and Confederate
CHAPTER II. From Bethel to First Manassas Fighting Along the Coast Supplies of Clothing and Arms a Serious Difficulty
CHAPTER III. The Second Year Burnside s Expedition Roanoke Island Lost Battle at New Bern South Mills and Fort Macon Renewed Efforts to Raise More Troops
CHAPTER IV. The Federal Movements Against Richmond-Peninsular Campaign Dam No. i, or Lee s Mill Retreat up the Peninsula Williamsburg Hanover Court House Seven Pines Jackson’s Wonderful Valley Campaign
CHAPTER V. The Great Struggle of 1862 for Richmond-Battles of Mechanicsville Cold Harbor, Frayser’s Farm, Malvern Hill North Carolina Troops Conspicuous in all Engagements McClellan s Utter Defeat by Lee
CHAPTER VI. The Campaign Against Pope Cedar Mountain Gordonsville Warrenton Bristoe Station Groveton Second Manassas Chantilly, or Ox Hill Pope Defeated at all Points
CHAPTER VII. Lee’s Maryland Campaign The March to Frederick City The "Lost Order" Mountain Battles Crampton’s Gap Boonsboro Vigorous Skirmishing The Surrender of Harper s Ferry by the Federals Battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam First North Carolina Cavalry with J. E. B. Stuart in Pennsylvania
CHAPTER VIII. The Fredericksburg Campaign Affairs in North Carolina Supplies for Troops Brought by the Advance Engagements in North Carolina Battle near Goldsboro North Carolina Troops in the Western Army Battles of Murfreesboro and Stone’s River
CHAPTER IX. North Carolina in the Beginning of 1863 Gathering Fresh Supplies Demonstrations by D. H. Hill Against New Bern Fights at Deep Gully and Sandy Ridge Siege of Washington, N. C. Blunt s Mills and Gum Swamp
CHAPTER X. Chancellorsville Brandy Station Winchester Berryville Jordan Springs Middleburg Upperville Fairfax
CHAPTER XI. The Confederate Invasion of , Pennsylvania-Battle of Gettysburg North Carolinians in the Three Days Fighting on the Retreat The Potomac Recrossed by Lee’s Army Cavalry Fighting in Virginia during the Invasion of Pennsylvania