Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/153

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pendent volunteer and fell mortally wounded while gallantly fighting the enemy some distance in advance of the regiment. The regiment went into action with an aggregate of 381, and lost, killed 22, wounded 91, missing 3. (349) Mentioned in report of Colonel Reid, Twenty-eighth Alabama. (534) Roll of honor: Privates Andrew Crevillari, Company A; Peter Cusac, B; G. C. Wells, C; Sergt. George Moody (color-bearer), D; Privates Thomas Hamilton, F; William Ginnery, H; William W. Meadow, I. (Companies E, G, and K declined selecting. )

No. 55—(659) Assignment as above, November 20, 1863.

No. 56—(617, 805, 825, 886) Assignment as above, December, 1863, Col. N. N. Davis commanding. Total present, 278, December 14th.

No. 58—(589) Assignment as above, January 20, 1864, Lieut.-Col. Ben F. Sawyer commanding.

No. 59—(623) Orders given by General Forrest ordered revoked, March 14, 1864. (869) Assignment as above, April 30th.

No. 74—(640, 649, 656, 663, 671) Assignment as above, to August 31, 1864. (781) General Manigault in report of battle, July 28, 1864, speaks of "Twenty-fourth Alabama, Capt. S. H. Oliver;" says: "Lieut. Geo. A. Jennison, acting assistant adjutant-general, severely wounded, was conspicuous for courage and energy." (783, 784) Captain Starke H. Oliver's report of Twenty-fourth Alabama, same day, says: "Col. N. N. Davis had been appointed division officer of the day." Loss was 2 killed, 14 wounded. Lieut. Andrew Young, of Company A, was wounded while leading to the charge. Lieutenant Barbour, of Company F, was wounded while leading his men and fell into the hands of the enemy. (787) Mentioned in report of Captain Horne for July 22d and 28th.

No. 93—(664) Assignment as above, December 10, 1864, Capt. Thomas J. Kimbell in command of regiment.

No. 98—(1064) Consolidated with Twenty-eighth and Thirty-fourth, under Col. John C. Carter.

No. 100—(734) Assignment as above, March 31, 1865, Lieut. L. A. Lavender in command of regiment.


This regiment, made up of Loomis' and McClellan's battalions, was organized at Mobile, December, 1861. It