Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/197

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severely wounded. Report of casualties gives 2 killed, 15 wounded. (836-838) Mentioned in Colonel Wemyss' report. (838-840) Report of Capt. George W. Welch, in command of regiment: Loss at Rocky Face, May 8th, 2 killed, 15 wounded; at Resaca, May 15th, 7 killed, 53 wounded. Colonel Lankford was captured at New Hope church the 25th; 27th, loss was 3 killed, 20 wounded.

No. 79—(897) Total present, 236, November 7, 1864; Maj. H. I. Thornton commanding regiment.

No. 93—(665, 704) In Holtzclaw's brigade, Clayton's division, December 10, 1864; Capt. Charles E. Bussey commanding regiment.

No. 103—(1046) Holtzclaw's brigade, district of the Gulf, General Maury, March 10, 1865; Capt. Charles E. Bussey commanding regiment.


The Thirty-ninth Alabama was organized in May, 1862, and went immediately to Mississippi, where it was brigaded under Gen. Frank Gardner with the Nineteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth (Fiftieth) regiments. It went into Kentucky, but being generally in the reserve, its first battle of consequence was after its return, at Murfreesboro, December 31st, where it made a fine record. The regiment behaved gallantly at Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863, losing nearly 27 percent of its force. At Missionary Ridge, November 25th, it fought again with less loss. The regiment wintered at Dalton, and fought under Hood through the Dalton-Atlanta campaign. At Atlanta, July 20th to 22d, it suffered great loss, and Colonel Clifton was severely wounded. At Jonesboro, August 31st and September 1st, it was again in the sharpest of the fighting. At Nashville, December 15th and 16th, a large number were captured. The regiment went with Johnston into the Carolinas, fought its last fight at Bentonville, and was surrendered at Yadkin river bridge. Maj. J. D. Smith was killed at Jonesboro, Captain Roberts in North Carolina, Capt. Willis Banks near Atlanta, Capts. T. Q. Stanford