Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/211

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pany, made vacant by the death of Captain Gordon. I would mention the following enlisted men: Private W. C. Harris, Sergt. T. Cocke, Sergt. John B. Lanford, almost the foremost in regiment, with unflinching gallantry. There are vacancies in the second lieutenancies, and I apply for their promotion, Privates Peppenhorst, McCoy, Satterwhite, Sergeant Maxey, Sergeant Bruce and Private J. T. Elliott. Sergeant Stephenson and Private Hill also deserve notice, having done all that could be expected of the very best soldiers. My loss was, officers killed, 3; wounded, 7. Men killed, 13; wounded, 76." (534) Roll of honor, battle of Chickamauga: Private William R. Ethridge (killed), Company A; Private John A. Meness, Company B; Sergt. W. C. Johnson, Company D; Sergt. Newton Bruce, Company E; Sergt. E. N. Maxey, Company F; Private David Scott, Company G; Private Daniel F. Tubb, Company H; Private John Barnes, Company I; Private William W. Scales, Company K. Company C declined to make selection.

No. 54—(452) Gracie's brigade, Buckner's division, Longstreet's corps, November 30, 1863. (534-537) Mentioned in Gen. Bushrod Johnson's report of operations, including affair at Bean's Station, December 14th.

No. 68—(207) Gracie's brigade, Ransom's division, May 5, 1864; forces on Richmond and Petersburg lines; General Beauregard.

No. 69—(862) Gracie's brigade, department of Richmond, May 31, 1864, Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr.; regiment commanded by Capt. William W. Harder.

No. 88—(1166) Assignment as above, August, 1864; Lieut.-Col. John J. Jolly commanding regiment. (1227) Gracie's brigade, Johnson's division, September 1, 1864, department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, commanded by General Beauregard. (1311) Gracie's brigade, September, Gen. Bushrod Johnson's command.

No. 95—(268) Mentioned by Gen. J. Chamberlain (Union) as being an attacking party near Hatcher's Run, March 25, 1865. (1274) Moody's brigade, Anderson's corps, Lee's army, April, 1865; Maj. Wm. J. Mims in command.


The Forty-fourth regiment was organized at Selma in May, 1862. The 1st of July found it in Richmond, bri-