Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/260

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Vol. XXI—(542) July 23, 1862, Maj. A. S. Van de Graaff, in Archer's brigade, A. P. Hill's division. (554) Highly commended for action in battle of Fredericksburg, report of Gen. R. E. Lee. (560) At Fredericksburg, 3 killed, 18 wounded. (632) At Fredericksburg, in the pursuit of the retreating Federals, they charged with great gallantry and captured many prisoners; highly commended by Gen. T. J. Jackson. (646, 647) Gen. A. P. Hill says: "They gallantly aided in holding General Archer's line. . . . They gallantly chased the enemy across the railroad and back to their reserves." (657, 658) General Archer: "They nobly discharged their duty under Maj. A. S. Van de Graaff, who was wounded, and afterward under Capt. S. D. Stewart, and drove back the enemy."

No. 39—(791) In Archer's brigade, battalion at Chancellorsville, lost 3 killed and 30 wounded. (926) Capt. S. D. Stewart, commanding battalion, was killed at Chancellorsville. (928) May 3, 1863, report of Capt. A. N. Porter of the Fifth Alabama (who was knocked senseless by the bursting of a shell), at Chancellorsville: "We were ordered to support Pegram's battery; after supporting this battery for about half an hour, we were ordered again to charge the fortifications, which we did successfully, compelling the enemy to retreat in haste. It was here the lamented Capt. S. D. Stewart fell. He had commanded the battalion during the engagement, and just as victory was about to perch upon its banner, he fell, a noble offering to his country's freedom. . . . The Fifth Alabama behaved heroically. . . . Lieutenant (William B.) Hutton, Company A, Fifth Alabama battalion, behaved gallantly till he received a mortal wound, from which he died the evening of the same day."

No. 44—(289) July 1 to 3, 1863, in Archer's brigade, A. P. Hill's corps. (333) At Gettysburg, 26 wounded. (647) Mentioned in Colonel Shepherd's report of Gettysburg campaign.

No. 48—To October 31, 1863, in Archer's brigade, Lee's army

No. 88—(1030) September 26, 1864, mentioned near Canal Basin, by Gen. John C. Babcock (Union). (1214) One hundred and fifty-one present for duty, Hill's corps, Lee's army, August 31st. (1219) Unattached. (1243) September 10th, 159 present.