Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/275

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gles' report of action at King's Creek, near Tupelo, Miss. (691) Col. J. Cunningham, in his report of action at King's creek, May 5th, says: "Two killed." (692) Mentioned by Maj. W. A. Hewlett, May 5th. (693) Mentioned in Col. C. R. Barteau's report of King's Creek, May 8th.

No. 37—(483) General Ruggles, in his report of fight at Rocky Crossing, Tallahatchee river, June 20, 1863, says: "Col. C. R. Barteau's Second Tennessee, Col. William Boyle's First Alabama, and R. H. Earle's Second Alabama regiments of cavalry vied with each other in pressing the enemy home."

No. 38—(291) Gen. G. M. Dodge, May 9, 1863, says: "The Second Alabama arrived at Okolona from Pensacola." (326) Mentioned as near Okolona, May 18th. (733) Maj. W. M. Inge's battalion ordered to report to Brigadier-General Chalmers, April 10th. (796) Col. C. R. Barteau, April 27th, says: "Ordered from Aberdeen to Buena Vista." (803) Gen. J. C. Pemberton says: "Just arrived at Jackson, Miss., April 29th. (835) Gen. S. B. Buckner, May 5th, says: "I sent the Second Alabama cavalry to General Pemberton to aid in covering northern Mississippi and Alabama." (917) The Second Alabama cavalry at Prairie Mound, Miss., May 24th. (973) Mentioned by General Ruggles, June 22d.

No. 53—(5) With General Ferguson at New Albany, Miss., October 1, 1863. (559) In Ferguson's brigade, August 27th, 949 strong. (576, 577) Mentioned in Gen. S. D. Lee’s report of September 1st. (582) Mentioned by Gen. B. S. Ewell. (724) Ordered to move at once to the vicinity of Cherry creek and there await further orders from the major-general commanding, October 2d.

No. 54—(37, 38) Mentioned by Gen. S. W. Ferguson, October 31, 1863, as commanded by Colonel Earle near Courtland, Ala.

No. 56—(728) Under Col. R. G. Earle in Ferguson's brigade, Chalmers' division, November 20, 1863. (866) In Ferguson's brigade cavalry, in Mississippi, commanded by Gen. Stephen D. Lee, December 24th; Lieut.-Col. J. P. West commanding regiment.

No. 57—(333) Under Colonel Earle in Ferguson's brigade, Polk's army, February 20, 1864. (378) Mentioned by Gen. S. W. Ferguson.

No. 59—(605, 660, 864) In Ferguson's brigade, Jackson's division, General Polk's army, spring, 1864.