Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/301

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Lebanon, Stone's river and Chicken pikes, and to drive in the Abolitionist pickets at daylight, which was done agreeably to orders, and in gallant style. (466) Mentioned in report of Gen. M. S. Hascall (Union) of skirmishes at Lavergne, etc., December. (648) Mentioned in report of Adjt. William S. Hall, battle of Murfreesboro. (661) In Gen. Joseph Wheeler's command; Stone's river campaign. (958) December 26, 1862, in General Wheeler's command, stationed at Stewart's creek, 10 miles northwest of Murfreesboro. (962-965) Lieut.-Col. J. D. Webb, in his report of Stone's river campaign, specially commends conduct of Capt. M. L. Kirkpatrick, Capt. L. W. Battle, Lieut. William M. Fitts, James W. Copilly, Ord.-Sergt. H. Clay Reynolds. He says the regiment bivouacked on Stone's river the night of December 27th "without rations." The gallant and brave Lieut. William M. Fitts was killed. December 29th, at Lavergne, charged a train of wagons, captured and burned 36 wagons, captured other wagons and teams and 50 prisoners. At Nolensville, captured 20 wagons and 50 prisoners. January 1st, captured wagons and prisoners. Lieut. J. J. Seawell was wounded and captured.

Vol. XXIII, Part 1—(28) Near Fosterville, February 1, 1863, report of Capt. L. W. Battle, Company B. (544) Mentioned in report of General Mitchell (Union), of fight near Uniontown, June 23d. (574) Mentioned in report of Maj. Charles B. Seidel (Union), fight near Decherd, Lieutenant-Colonel Webb mortally wounded, July 1st.

Vol. XXIII, Part 2—(943) Capt. M. L. Kirkpatrick, Hagan's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's cavalry, July 31, 1863. (960) August 10th, in Col. John T. Morgan's brigade, General Wheeler's corps.

No. 50—(232) October, 1863, in Colonel Hagan's brigade, Wheeler's cavalry corps. No. 51—(19) In Col. John T. Morgan's brigade, General Wheeler's corps, Chickamauga campaign.

No. 52—(332, 449, 485, 486) Union reports, on the road to Trenton, September 3, 1863; near Lafayette, September 8th; fight at Chickamauga creek, September 9th.

No. 54—(453) November 30, 1863, in Gen. John T. Morgan's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's cavalry.

No. 55, No. 56—Assignment as above, to December, 1863. December 31st, Russell's brigade, Morgan's division, Wheeler's cavalry.