Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/59

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the service expecting to continue under his command. They are very anxious to be restored to General Roddey's brigade, and we understand that General Forrest would not object to such restoration. These five companies are commanded respectively by Captains Steele, Moore, Barr, Warren and Hansell. From these sources we think that General Roddey will strengthen his command sufficiently to protect our people against the raids of the enemy, coming either across the Tennessee river or from the direction of Corinth. We think he will also be enabled to draw supplies of bacon, beef, cattle, hogs, grain, and leather from Middle Tennessee, in larger quantities than heretofore, though he has already drawn much in that way. Besides this, his position is such that should opportunity offer he could fall upon the enemy's communication with Chattanooga and do him serious damage.

Again, should the enemy be permitted to take possession of the country south of the Tennessee river, he will not find it difficult to extend his line to the Warrior and perhaps to the Alabama river, without meeting with serious opposition, but would, on the contrary, receive great encouragement in the mountain region in our State, where there is unfortunately in some parts a disaffected population.

In view of what is above set forth, we hope the Honorable Secretary of War will permit the necessary increase of General Roddey's force. We believe that by so doing the interest of the whole country would be greatly advanced.

Thos. J. Foster, John P. Ralls,

R. Jemison, Jr., C. C. Clay, Jr.

W. R. Smith,

The northern counties, being subjected to incessant raids, were the scenes of continuous bloodshed, and side by side were to be witnessed acts of the most wanton brutality and of unexampled heroism and daring. Churches, colleges and libraries, as well as private dwellings, were ransacked and destroyed. Guntersville, Marshall county, was shelled several times without warning and was finally burned.

In Claysville, on the night of March 8, 1864, Federals were quartered in three houses. Capt. H. F. Smith, of