Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/705

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captured a number of men from an Ohio regiment, whose attack they had repulsed.

At Kenesaw Mountain, June 27th, Loring's corps occupied the crest of the mountain and repulsed several assaults of the enemy, with heavy loss to the Federals. Featherston's skirmishers, the First battalion, under Major Stigler, and the Third regiment, Major Dyer, behaved with great coolness and courage, defeating the enemy's attacks. The skirmish line of Adams' brigade, Colonel Lowry's Sixth regiment, was equally distinguished in repulsing a heavy attack in the morning. Sears' brigade, under Col. W. S. Barry, also had a creditable part in this memorable defeat of Sherman. General French asserted, regarding this battle, that whatever credit is due for the complete repulse of the assaulting column at Little Kenesaw belonged exclusively to the brigade of General Cockrell and the left of General Sears, then commanded by Colonel Barry.

At Peachtree Creek, July 20th, Featherston's brigade charged the enemy and drove him from the first line of intrenchments, but being subjected to a severe fire and not being supported, except by Scott's brigade, was compelled to retire two or three hundred yards to a sheltered position, which they held till night, when they were withdrawn. Adams' brigade was on picket duty, but joined the division after dark. French's division was held in reserve. Walthall was in command of his division and put it into the fight on the center with great spirit The loss of Featherston's brigade, 616 out of an effective total of 1,230, makes it conspicuous as the most actively engaged command of this battle, the first after General Hood took command. Col. J. L. Drake, the only field officer with the Thirty-third, a gallant and excellent officer, Featherston wrote, fell beyond the enemy's first line of works, leading his regiment in the charge and displaying the highest qualities of a true soldier. Col. T. A. Mellon, Third regiment, and Maj.