Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/72

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Vol. VI — (460) Report of General Anderson of battle of Santa Rosa, October 8, 1861. (492) General Bragg's report of bombardment of Pensacola, November 22-23, 1861, says: "Col. H. D. Clayton, First regiment of Alabama volunteers, whose entire regiment served both days at the batteries, has received the just commendation of the general. This gallant regiment has toiled for nearly ten months in the construction and garnishment of the works they almost despaired of using. Having been the first on the ground, much the largest portion of the labor fell to their lot When least expected, the opportunity has been offered to test their skill, and most nobly have they availed themselves of it." (784) General Bragg calls it '*a well-instructed body of artillery." (819) In Gen. Sam Jones' brigade, Bragg's army, February 1, 1862. (838) General Jones, Pensacola, March 5, 1862, says: "First Alabama leaves for Memphis this evening."

Vol. VII — (915) Ordered to Fort Pillow under command of General Withers. Memorandum of General Beauregard, March 3, 1862.

Vol. VIII — (129) Colonel Steedman's First Alabama regiment rendered gallant and efficient service on the 17th of March, 1862. — Report of Gen. J. P. McCown. (161) Commended in report of Capt. E. W. Rucker, regarding Madrid Bend and Island No. 10. (174-175) Report of Col. I. G. W. Steedman, Island No. 10: "Lieutenants Owens and Sanford acted gallantly as men could act." Lieutenant Clark killed, 5 men wounded. (778) "I sent you the First Alabama regiment two days ago; they are Bragg's best artillerists. " — Gen. Leonidas Polk, March 13th.

Vol. XV — (276-277) Report of Gen. Frank Gardner, Port Hudson, March 14, 1863 : "Battery served by 4 companies of Colonel Steedman's regiment; the other companies posted as sharpshooters. Gallant conduct of men at batteries deserving of highest praise." (278) One officer wounded. Port Hudson, La., March 14, 1863. (841) Aggregate present for duty 312—report of Gen. Wm. N. R. Beall, Port Hudson, October 22, 1862. (1033) Heavy artillery. Colonel Steedman commanding, March 31, 1863. (1062) Heavy artillery, Lieut-Col. M. B. Locke commanding.

Vol. XVII, Part 2 — (600) Abstract from statement of