Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/745

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a few years ago still in possession of its old color-bearer, who at that time lived at Blossom Prairie, Texas. This flag has the names of more than 20 battles imprinted upon it. Davis' brigade in the battle of the Wilderness was one of those hurled by Longstreet with such telling force on the Federals on the 7th of May, 1864, Through all the subsequent battles of the campaign between Lee and Grant—Spottsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and the various successes and failures of the campaigns around Richmond and Petersburg—Davis led his men, encouraging them to stand firm and endure to the end. At Appomattox Court House the Mississippi brigade of Joseph R. Davis surrendered with the rest of that gallant army which for four years had been the prop and stay of the South, and had successfully defended its part of the general field until everything else was gone. General Davis returned to his home justly proud of the honor which he had enjoyed in commanding such gallant men, resumed the practice of law, and was prominent as a citizen of Mississippi until his death at Biloxi, September 15, 1896.

Reuben Davis, major-general of State troops, was born in Tennessee, January 18, 1813. He studied medicine and for a while practiced, but after a few years abandoned that profession and took up law. He preferred to try his fortune now in a new field, and accordingly moved to Aberdeen, Miss., where he was quite successful. From 1835 to 1839 he was prosecuting attorney for the Sixth judicial district of the State. In 1842 he was appointed judge of the high court of appeals, which position he resigned after serving only four months. When the war with Mexico began he laid aside peaceful pursuits and entered the field as colonel of the Second Mississippi volunteers. Returning to Mississippi after the war, he again took up the practice of law and re-entered the politics of his State. In 1855 he was elected to the State