Page:Confederate Veteran volume 03.djvu/12

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■V B.H.STIEF JEWELRY Co., a big of fer. .v.>~. SOS and ->/<> Cnlon street. .v.lsi/1'J/.i./;. TBTfN., o-c>o Dsiy competition in Quantity, Quality, Btyle, and Pric tli.'ir Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, (IT GLASS, and FANCY GOODS. WATCHES RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Price, IBoente. CLASS AND SOCIETY BADGES AND GOLD MEDALS A SPE CIALTY. REPAIRING Phomptiv Attended to ««d Wabr.xteo • •••• JAMES B. CARR, Manager. W. S. FINLEY, WHOLESALE JEWELER.

31 GAY st., 

KNOXVILLE. TENN.. proposes to sell to the readers ol Che Vn i- ka N it » atch of any descvi pi iou at w holeaale price, w inch m. an- 50 per cent, lew than tliej can be bought! from any re- tail dealer. Such an offer i- not made every day. and you maj noi in. .i with ibis opportunity again, 40 do mi. dels] hut rend at once for price ii-t. Every ivatcb war- ranted a- i epresented. and « ill be Ben I 10 any addreea, C. O. l>.. with privilege <>f examining be- fore paying. xcs. Thirty six page Catalogue DRAUGHON— POSITIONS GUARANTEED under reasonabt idltlons. i>.> nol Bay il cannot be done, till yon -■•ml for free IJO pace Catalogued Uraughon's Practical Business Col- Icec Nashville, Tenn. This college is strong!) indonwd by bankers an. I merchants nil over the United States an vm'H as foreign countries,

weeks bi DraughonV method of teaching kl ping is equal to 
weeks, by the old plan. Bpecial advantages In Shorthand, l 

manslUp and Telegraphy. Cheap board. Open I Ii » Btates and territories now repi nted. Write for 120 win. n w ill explain "all." Address. J. F. DRAUCHON, Pres.. Nashville- Tenn. s. i:. Chis College has prepared books for home study, Bookkeeping Penmanship and Shorthand. SECURE A POSITION. Wanted for office work, on salary, in mosl every count; in the South and West a young lady or gentleman. Tii Irom u untry also accepted Experience not necessary. In fact prefer beginners at a Bmallsalarj at first, say, to begin from * 80 to $80 per month, chances lor rapid pro- iii. hi. hi "good " Must deposit in bank cash, about H00 N«' loan asked; no mves itrequlred. u Is a salaried and permanent position (strictlj office work). Our enterprise Is strongly endorsed by bankers. Address P. O. Box 433, Nashville. Tenn. (Mention the Vztiban.)


STOP AT illl. o WESTMINSTER HOTEL Situated In the heart "f the faah- ionable ahopplng a n .1 amusement districts, one block from Broad Onion Square, In t be quiol an . toe ratio neighbor hood of Qramercy Park. An i .1 v a i family hotcL On t in' iuerica:i plan- Uuisine noted lor its excellence. Room- sinjrh; nr en suited with pri- vate hath. BATES MODBRATK. Westminster Hotel, Irving Place and 1 <Vt l» St., NEW YORK. E. N. ANABLE, Pro K . B. W.Swope. of Ky. t Manager. SPECIMEN OP HALF-TONE RKGRAVINti DONE BY THE I'MVKIMTV PBB8S.