Page:Confederate Veteran volume 03.djvu/9

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Confederate Veteran.

Jim O'Mera's Ride Lee and Traveller Little Giffen of Tennessee Men Who Wore the Gray 239 I 0g 2 H Mrs. Maclean's Ode 3 p My Southern Home ' Pelham at Frederieksburg nl Stanton's Poem nx> Stars and Bars 386 Too to Die 1" Two Armies, The 21 ILLUSTRATIONS Alamo ' " Andrew's Raiders Monument at < >hickamauga 894 Atlanta Monument to Unknown Dead Bentonville Monument 231 Bowling Green Reunion 30S Br i Hi adq i irti rs 306 Calhoun, Ga., Camp 347 Carter Houi il I iklin t (ha i < ai ga Chlckamauga Monuments. i 'hi. kamauga Park - Church at G ra Columbia, Tenn . r C. "V. I Company A. ai Memphis Confi derate Flags i tonfedera I Monum* n I mviUi Confederate Mom B i >wn 327 iti Monument at G Confederate Monument at Louisville Confedei iti Monument al Vlcksburg - Court House, Calhoun, Qfl Cumberland Island Hotel. 214 Davis, Jeftere it Richmond 209 l>:nis. Jefferson, a/1 Home 22s Davis, Jefferson, When Cap ed Sam, Boot of Davis,, Monum 181 Dedication of Our Chicago Monument i v " ness Cemetery 214 Dungeness Olive Trees Florida Confederate Home Porresl Mon im rit 212 Fort Sumter 43. 45 I'l'.'in Galveston 180 i leorgetown Monument Goldsboro Monument 231 i Monument al Chlckamauga 6 Jackson Monument 186 Johnston, A, S . Mon imi nt 63 .i ilmsion. A. s . w hi re He Was Shot 85 l Camp Home at iii.hnn.nii 312 Lee Monument at Richmond sr. Light Horse Harrj i 215 Lindsley Hall 39 Lion of the Smith in Atlanta 223 Lookout Mountain 2f Lookout Mountain and Tennessei River Louisville Confederate Monum. -nt Memphis — t Company A Mllledge, Mrs, Grav " Moi . asin Bend Monteagle Library 2s Mount Vernon 34 Mount Vernon Vault 35 New York Camp Badge and Flag nr> Ohio Monument to Andrew's Raiders it Chlckamauga 294 Old Church and Monument etown, S. C 327 Peabody Normal College 39. 40 Pittsburg Landing 84 Prentl hi re He Surrendered 84 Road Buell's Army 86 Saint i i«rch 31 Sam D and Monument w Sewanee it Shlloh ■ Shlloh Church and Spring 82 iss 1 1 1 Ij 345 Sn.i.lpi il HI . fi Stone's River Battlefield Term er

Vicksburg Confederate Monument Warren's Point at Monteagle Washington Home a it Mount Vernon Winn I lamp at Waxa hachi i AUTHORS.

l es, K M 

Allls in, W. F 50 Jot* And. • W... 106, 261, 822| Johnson, W. Gart i son, E... lias. E reon, B B - r Edwin W F ■'■ Kat.l. , M S

.255 372 100 25

.163. - Jones. L. J... ■ Earr ■• ti peter, Thos. W. B 842 356 , , Kitzhugh .4


..77. il I lenry. S. D... Beall. 1' T mie C. Ulan; I I Bolton, Dr » Lowry, J. T. Boyd, John... j. s... Lowell, W. B I!

14* , A. F. Martin, L. I ' ■ii, Joshua Buck, Lucy Buolv.i ii.' I I Buck, Mis, Trueheart. Burke, W B Burleson, A J Butli r. Mrs s s


inneil, And Mot;.], Ward. lv - Ml ho MoKinn< , .1 V a>7 Mi i Iwet her .Mm y .,,, Tomtade W' hi rs .1 B '■• ... 806 Mi " I I' - Kl Mlllier, Q K .1 A CTS Mil1 "- '"" ,k G II Cha, R 142 M I. k eg,, < i A S 74. 111. i .i ■" M rton, H s Collins. J. A Jno S Colquitt, Hugh 288 Oglivie, W H... cumm nps. C. C »! Olliver, Wm. H Cumniints. Hon. Jos I I .rkins. Mi Curtii l .11 847 Peeples, S. W Dart i ' I ■• i ry. W. F Dies G irr, Maj. H. M Dlnkins, .Ins sbury, Vv. K DuBlgnon, I'loiii'm 221 l J. B. Emmet, l > l> , , v ; s Geo. Ennls, l- i ■ 360 R , (|| pj ,. ,. .317. ■ Hi ment A. Field, Km. Fitzgi raid, ' i P.



72 Vli tor Richards, i 'I Ridl. y. B. I.. 2". 36. 70, 99, 134, , 203 Rhodes, Harry '^ ton " Roberts, Albert BB Rogers, Geo. T 12

r7 1 B ' E , Jno ii Soofl. Id l M Stomp, F. A. n, J. W Goldsmith. W. L vxoodlet. Mis M C ■ ; ...,ii. .-. a. T Gordon, W. B Annie ta Sl ," 1 "" 1 ,: 1 - M Gui in, Duponl .14. B 37 sloan ' Ca t" ] '"" M

Smith. J. L 

Harper, .1 J 281 Smi H " HarreU. Jno. M 227 S"»»th, A. Pickens . Harris I' S 18, 261, 334 Smith, Wm. I Hawkins A O. " S H nry T.. t, W. H 131 Stevens, 11. C H boett, .i .i 99 Stewart, . P Hickey, Jno M 276 S ddard n B Hick. ii l .1 162 Stoul I' S. H Hoimes. Jas. G 10 P Humphries. 11 355 Templeton, .1 A .88.

271 334


211 238

8 888 110 299 162 239 211 235 3S6 9 143

40 71 14 49

361 I"! 3*5

330 376 302 244 232 ■ 213

137 243 260 387

233 384

210 34S