Page:Confederate Veteran volume 08.djvu/17

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Vol.JS. NASHVILLE, TENN., JANUARY. 1900. No. L Qopfederate l/etera^. MlMBttRS Of TUi FR.WKI.IV, TKSS., CMAPrER I'MrHI) DAL'iiHI KRS OF THK CONFEDERACY. Mrs. V. II. (liUspu-. Miss Klizii Cliiybrocik. Mrs. K. P. Winston. Mrs. II. 1*. t'nchranc. Mrs. li. L. Cowan. Mrs. Grtcn Williinns. Mrs. Oenrgc Nichol. Mrs. U. N. Ricli;ir»lsr>n. Miss .Vnnir Cliiybronk. Mrs. T. F. Pi-rkins. Mrs. Xcwton Oinnnn. Mrs. Man Niclml Hritt. Mrs. Mary Cliffe. Miss Killir WhiU-. Mrs. Minnie Cliffi-. SAMIKI. fdOI'l-.K. Ailjutunt Guneral — in Confederate St Kanking' ates (fovt lieneral •rnmenl. GAME OF CONFEDERATE HEROES, The game or fludy of Confederate Heroos i> designecl to give in outline facts concerning some of the most promi- nent men and events in the history of llie Confederacy. It is ready for delivery. The game is pl.iycd with lifty-lwo cards, divided into thirteen books. These contain the names of the Confederate States, those of the President and 'ice President, the full cabinet from the rise to the fall of the Confederacy: all of the full generals, some of the lien- tenant generals and major generals; some distinguished naval commanders; most of the principal battles of the war, with some of the most daring and brilliant feats of the navy. The game is illustrated with llags, in colors, and portraits ^ ,,.",..,. , 1 KiiM ULsr UK SAM I'.WIS. of the cabinet and general otbcers, which makes it a valu- able souvenir. The proceeds of the game are devoted to the Sam Davis monument fund. Its study will afford pleasant and prolitable_ent<!rtainment for old and young. P the game, fifty cen^s, or it will be sent free with orders for two subscribers and $J. of