Page:Confidence (London, Macmillan & Co., 1921).djvu/247

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and it was very cruel of him to let me come here without knowing it. Could anything be more absurd—more awkward? You don't think it's awkward—you don't mind it! Ah well, you are very good! But I like it, Angela—I like it extremely, immensely. I think it's delightful, and I wonder it never occurred to me. Has it been going on long? Ah, of course, it has been going on! Didn't it begin at Baden, and didn't I see it there? Do you mind my alluding to that? At Baden we were all so mixed up that one couldn't tell who was attentive to whom! But Bernard has been very faithful, my dear; I can assure you of that. When he was in America he wouldn't look at another woman. I know something about that! He stayed three months in my house, and he never spoke to me. Now I know why, Mr. Bernard; but you might have told me at the time. The reason was certainly good enough. I always want to know why, you know. Why Gordon never told me, for instance; that's what I want to know!"

Blanche refused to sit down again; she declared that she was so agitated by this charming news that she could not be quiet, and that she must presently take her departure. Meanwhile, she congratulated each of her friends half a dozen times; she kissed Mrs. Vivian again, she almost kissed Bernard; she inquired about details; she longed to hear all about Angela's "things." Of course, they would stop for the wedding; but meantime she must be very discreet; she must not intrude too much. Captain Lovelock addressed to Angela a few fragmentary, but well-intentioned, sentences, pulling his beard and fixing his eyes on the door-knob—an implement which presently turned in his manly fist, as he opened the door for his companion to withdraw. Blanche went away in a flutter of ejaculations and protestations which left our three friends in Mrs. Vivian's little drawing-room standing