Page:Confiscation in Irish history.djvu/160

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accompanied only by his lady Catherine Comyn aged 35, flaxen haired, middle height; and one maid servant Honor Ny Namara aged 20 years, brown hair, middle stature. He had no substance, but expected the benefit of his qualification. Ignatius Stacpoole of Limerick, an orphan aged 11 years, flaxen hair, full face and low stature was accompanied only by his sister Catherine aged 8, flaxen hair, full face. They, too, had no substance to relieve themselves with, but desired the benefit of their claim before the Commissioners at Loughrea.

John and Mathew Hore of Dungarvan were accompanied by 128 persons, their children, servants and tenants and a great stock of cattle, sheep and horses.

The Lord Baron of Castleconnell had a wife, five young children, and thirteen servants or tenants. The Lord Burke, Baron of Brittas, had three cows, three horses, six hogs for his whole substance.

The Lord Viscount Ikerrin had sixteen acres of winter corn, four cows, twenty-four sheep, two swine, five garrans. Seventeen persons were to go with him. From Munster and Leinster 150,000 animals of all kinds were to transplant with their owners, as well as sixty-five geese, these latter from Co. Tipperary.

The total number of landowners who received certificates in Munster was 550. Of these 221 were from Tipperary and 168 from Limerick. For Cork only sixteen certificates are extant; but there must have been more, for there were many in Cork who did not join in the war until after 1642.