Page:Confiscation in Irish history.djvu/188

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from others had thereupon, did dispossess such of the said popish Irish rebels of their lands, tenements and hereditaments, as they found guiltie of, and to have been engaged in the said rebellion or war aforementioned, and did withal distribute and set out the said lands to be possessed by sundrie persons, etc., etc.

"And forasmuch as the rapines, depredations and massacres committed by the said Irish and popish rebels and enemies are not only well known to this present parliament, but are notorious to the whole world; and lastly, for that the said rebels, since their throwing off your royal Father's and your Majestie's government, are become subdued and conquered enemies, and have justly forfeited all their rights, titles and estates in this kingdom; it is therefore enacted … that all honors, mannors, houses, places, lands, tenements and hereditaments … in this kingdom, which at any time from and after the said 23rd day of October, in the year of our Lord 1641 were seized or sequestered into the hands or to the use of his late Majestic … or which were otherwise disposed of to any person for adventures arrears, or whereof the adventurers, officers, or soldiers or any transplanted persons or any other person or persons whatsoever, upon account of the said rebellion or war, were in seizin, possession or occupation by themselves, their tenants, etc. on May 7th, 1659, or which were given out or set apart to anyone in consideration of money or provisions advanced, etc., etc.

"Are and shall be, and are hereby declared, deemed and adjudged, as from the said 23rd day