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Ferns, left to Murtough MacMurrough, 3; Crown manor, 60, n.; property of See of, 65.

Fews, The, 19, 41, n.; O'Neill of, 39, 51.

Finch, Sir H., on unheard innocents, 188; on selfishness of great men among the Irish, 191; report of on Acts of Settlement and Explanation, 206, 207.

Fisher, Sir Edward, to be granted lands of Irish in Wexford, 63; report of on Wexford, 65.

Fitton, Lord Chancellor under James II., 209, n.; 212.

Fittons of Any, transplanted, 30.

Fitzgerald, Sir James Fitzmaurice, rebellion of, 22, 23; of Decies, 23.

Fitzmaurices, Barons of Kerry or Lixnaw, 26, 193, 252.

Fitz Maurice, see Sir James Fitz M. Fitzgerald.

Fitzpatrick, Colonel John of Castletown, 178, n.; Mrs. executed by Cromwellians, 127.

Fitzstephen, inheritance of, 22.

Fitzwilliam, Lord, decreed nocent, 184.

Forth, transplantation of landlords from, 146; confiscation in, 202.

Forty-nine officers, 167, 180.

Fox, The, or Shinnagh (O'Caharny), 56, n.; plantation of his country, 89, n.

Froude, 50; on Articles of Limerick, 224.


Galway, second port in British islands, 162; last town in his dominions to hold out for Charles, 168; townsmen of to be restored to their estates, 169; articles of, 156, n.; 222, 227, 228, 229.

Galway, Co., settlers in adopt Irish customs, 8; De Burgos in, 98, 106; jury of refuses to find Crown title, 106; punishment of, 106; proprietors in, 156; Catholic landowners in in early 19th century, 238.

Ginkell, 223, 226, 227.

Giraldus, Cambrensis, on confiscation, 2.

Glynnes, The, 19.

Gookin. Great Case of Transplantation, 145.

Gormanston, Lord, claims of to Breffny O'Rourke, 85—87; price set on head of, 179; son of restored to his estate, 179, 193.

Gormund, son of K. Belin of Britain, 18.

Grace, of Courtstown, 221, n.; 231.


Hadsor, on Wexford plantation, 75.

Hardinge, on Cromwellian Confiscation and Restoration Settlement, 115, n.; 149, 11.; 157, 162, n.

Harrington, Shilelagh granted to, 64.

Henry VIII., policy of in Wales and in Ireland, 9; dealings of with land, 10, 21; grants of, 11; respects Irish usages, 17; receives Ulster clans as subjects, 18; principles guiding, 21; receives the Connaught lords as subjects, 99; enters into indentures with Irish of Ormond, 110; area in hands of natives at accession of, 233.

Hickson, Miss, 67, n.; Ireland in the Seventeenth Century, 69, n.; 73, n.; 82, n.; 91, 126, n.

Hughes. Fall of the Clan Kavanagh cited, 61, n.