Page:Constitution of Bhutan 2008 English.pdf/51

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  1. Bhutan shall have Local Governments in each of the twenty Dzongkhags comprising the Dzongkhag Tshogdu, Gewog Tshogde and Thromde Tshogde.
  2. Local Governments shall ensure that local interests are taken into account in the national sphere of governance by providing a forum for public consideration on issues affecting the local territory.
  3. The objectives of Local Government shall be to:
    1. Provide democratic and accountable government for local communities;
    2. Ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner;
    3. Encourage the involvement of communities and community organizations in matters of local governance; and
    4. Discharge any other responsibilities as may be prescribed by law made by Parliament.
  4. A Local Government shall strive, within its financial and administrative capacity, to achieve the objectives set out under this Article.
  5. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall comprise:
    1. The Gup and Mangmi as the two elected representatives from each Gewog;
    2. One elected representative from that Dzongkhag Thromde; and
    3. One elected representative from Dzongkhag Yenlag Thromdes.