Page:Constitution of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.djvu/26

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Mayor and the Governor or by a number of voters constituting at least 10% of the total number of voters registered in the pertinent circumscription.

Article 72: All magistrates and other offices filled by popular vote are subject to revocation.

Once half of the term of office to which an official has been elected has elapsed, a number of voters constituting at least 20% of the voters registered in the pertinent circumscription may extend a petition for the calling of a referendum to revoke such official's mandate.

When a number of voters equal to or greater than the number of those who elected the official vote in favor of revocation, provided that a number of voters equal to or greater than 25% of the total number of registered voters* have voted in the revocation election, the officiaL's mandate shall be deemed revoked, and immediate action shall be taken to fill the permanent vacancy in accordance with the provided for in this Constitution and by law.

The revocation of the mandate for the collegiate bodies shall be performed in accordance with the law. During the term to which the official was elected, only one petition to recall may be filed.

Article 73: Bills under discussion by the National Assembly shall be submitted to a referendum when at least two thirds of the members of the Assembly so decide. If the referendum ends in an affirmative vote of approval, provided that the 25% of the voters registered before the Civil and Electoral Registry have concurred to the election, the bill conceded shall be enacted into law.

Any international agreement, convention or treaty which might compromise the national sovereignty or transfer authority to supranational organs, may be submitted to a referendum on the initiative of the President of the Republic, taken at a meeting of the Cabinet by a two thirds vote of the members of the Assembly or by 15% of the voters registered on the civil and electoral registry.