Page:Constitution of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.djvu/70

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(3) Municipal state or national, Autonomous Institutes or State-owned enterprises, officers when the election is taking place in the jurisdiction in which such officer serves, except in the case of a temporary care-providing, teaching or academic position.

The pertinent organic law may provide for the ineligibility of other officers.

Article 190: Deputies of the National Assembly shall not be proprietors, administrators or directors of business enterprises that enter into contracts with public sector juridical persons, so that they shall have no private beneficial interest in dealing with it. When matters involving financial conflicts of interest come up for discussion, the affected members of the National Assembly shall be required to abstain from the pertinent vote.

Article 191: Deputies of the National Assembly shall not be permitted to accept or hold public employment positions without giving up their investiture, except in teaching, academic, temporary and care-giving positions, and provided the employment is not intended to be full-time.

Article 192: Deputies of the National Assembly shall hold office for a term of five years, with eligibility for re-election to no more than one additional term.

Section Two: Organization of the National Assembly

Article 193: The National Assembly shall appoint ordinary and special Standing Committees. The Standing Committees, which shall be no more than 15 in number, shall relate to sectors of national activity. The National Assembly shall also have the power to create Committees of temporary nature for purposes of research and study, all of the foregoing in accordance with the applicable Regulations. The National Assembly shall have the power to create or abolish