Page:Constitution of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.djvu/77

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Article 216: When the President of the Republic fails to promulgate the law on the terms indicated above, the President and the two Vice-Presidents of the National Assembly shall proceed to promulgate it, without prejudice to such liability as the President of the Republic may incur by reason of his omission.

Article 217: The point at which the approving law of an international treaty, agreement or convention must be promulgated shall be left to the discretion of the National Executive, in accordance with international practices and the convenience of the Republic.

Article 218: Laws are repealed by other laws and are abrogated by referendum, subject to the exceptions established in this Constitution. Laws may be amended in whole or in part. A law that is amended in part shall be published in a single text that incorporates the amendments passed.

Section Five: Procedures

Article 219: The first regular legislative session of the National Assembly shall begin, without advance notice, on January fifth of each year or on the first subsequent day possible, and shall continue until August 15. The second session shall begin on September 15 or the first subsequent day possible, and shall end on December 15.

Article 220: The National Assembly shall meet in special sessions to take up the matters on the agenda contained in the notice of the meeting, and any related matters. A special session may also consider any matters declared urgent by a majority vote of the members.

Article 221: The requirements and procedures for the establishment and other sessions of the National Assembly, and for the functioning of its Committees, shall be determined by the Regulations. In no case may a quorum be less than an absolute majority of the members of the National Assembly.