Page:Constitution of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.djvu/82

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(10) To issue regulations for the application of laws, in whole or in part, without altering the spirit, purpose and reason for being of the laws.
(11) To administer the National Public Treasury.
(12) To negotiate national loans.
(13) To order extraordinary budget item in addition to the budget, subject to authorization in advance from the National Assembly or the Delegated Committee.
(14) To enter into contracts in the national interest, subject to this Constitution and applicable laws.
(15) To designate, subject to prior authorization from the National Assembly or the Delegated Committee, the Attorney-General of the Republic and the heads of the permanent diplomatic missions.
(16) To designate and remove those officials whose appointment is made subject to his discretion by this Constitution or the applicable law.
(17) To address reports or special messages to the National Assembly, either in person or through the Executive Vice-President.
(18) To formulate the National Development Plan and, subject to approval in advance from the National Assembly, direct the implementation of the same.
(19) To grant pardons.
(20) To determine the number, organization and competence of the Ministries and other organs comprising the National Public Administrative Branch, as well as the organization and functions of the Cabinet Ministers, within the principles and guidelines set forth in the pertinent organic law.
(21) To dissolve the National Assembly in the case contemplated by this Constitution.
(22) To call reference in the cases provided for under the present Constitution.
(23) To call and preside over meetings of the National Defense Council.