Page:Constitution of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.djvu/92

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shall retain competence of the matter until a final judgment is handed down.

(4) To resolve any administrative controversies that may arise between the Republic, any State, Municipality or other public entity, when the other party is also one of these same organs, except in the case of a controversy between Municipalities belonging to the same State, in which case competence may be vested by law in another court.
(5) To declare null and void, in whole or in part, regulations and other general or individual administrative actions of the National Executive Branctent and application of legal texts, on the terms contemplated by law.
(7) To decide competence conflicts between courts, whether ordinary or special, when there is no higher or common court shared by both in the hierarchical order.
(8) To take jurisdiction of appeals for violations of law.
(9) Such others as may be vested in it by law.
The powers indicated under (1) shall be exercised by the Constitutional Division; those indicated under (2) and (3), in Plenary Session; and those indicated under (4) and (5), by the Political/Administrative Division. The remaining powers shall be exercised by the various divisions as provided for under this Constitution and by law.

Section Three: Governance and Administration of the Judicial Power

Article 267: The Supreme Tribunal of Justice is charged with the direction, governance and administration of the Judicial Power and inspection and vigilance of the courts of the Republic and the public defenders' offices. The Supreme Tribunal is also charged with preparing and implementing its own budget and that of the Judicial Power.

Jurisdiction over judicial discipline shall be vested in such disciplinary courts as may be determined by law.